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Me: I'm sure there is a word for book three but I don't know what it is....

Naruto: Maybe it's called a......TREQUEL!!!

Me: *Thinks for a long time* No, that's not it.

Naruto: *Anime falls*

Ruka: I know!

Me: *Eyes gleam with hope* Really?!

Kinase: *Sarcastic* It's called Book 3, dumbass

Me: *Heart shatters as look of happiness remains on my face*

Ruka: That wasn't nice.....

Kinase: Oh

Naruto: What were you gonna say, Ruka? *Stands up*

Ruka: *Chuckles* I forgot

Everyone: *Sweatdrops*

Me: *Slowly recovering* Anyway, that was the end of Book 2, 'You are the only one...', and I really hoped you guys enjoyed it and sit tight for Book 3 which will revolve around the outcome and deaths that will take place in the Fourth Shinobi World War!

Naruto: *Stiffens* D...Deaths?

Me: *Hits Sasuke with a broom before he can ransack my fridge* That's what I said....yeah.

Naruto: *Gulps* You mean like....death.... or like....DEATH?!

Me: The second one.....SASUKE THOSE ARE MY FRUIT SNACKS!!!!!!!

Kinase: *Smirks* I like death!

Naruto: I don't!!!

Sasuke: *Disappeares with my fruit snacks*

Me: *Sits in emo corner and refuses to socialize*

Ruka: *Shakes head* Pitiful....anyway! I hope to see you guys again in the third book and see who dies, who lives, and all the juicy, unanswered secrets that will finally be revealed!

Kinase: Story_of_Fate13 doesn't own Naruto!

Naruto: Later g....!

Me: *Hits Naruto with a broom*

Naruto: Ow!!! *backs away*


Naruto: *Scared* G-Gomen....

Me: *Huffs* Anywho, the cover you see above is made by none other then cover master, professional deliriouslyweird!!!! Thank you very much!!!!

Naruto: *Bows* Thank you!

Ruka: *Smiles* Thanks!

Kinase: I don't thank humans

Ruka: *Rolls eyes*

Me: Later guys!
See you later~ ^-^

You are the only one....                       ×Book 2×Where stories live. Discover now