56. Always here for you

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"So" Hope said, trying to make small talk "do you think Naruto will be okay after that old dude died?"

I remained silent and continued walking to Shikamaru's house. The next day, Naruto and the others had come back from their mission and Tsunade summoned us to her office to give us bad news. She explained how Jirayia and Kazami went on a mission to the find some information on the Akatsuki.

Unfortunately, the enemy was to strong and Jirayia was killed. Before he could die, Jirayia summomed a toad with the last of his Chakra and had Kazami slip into its mouth, escaping. Even then, Kazami wasn't in good shape either. Kazami was on crutches and completely blind in her left eye. According to the medical ninja, someone had attempted to gouge her eye out and failed, leaving her blind.

Still, why would someone try to gouge her eye out....it's been bugging me for the longest time.

"Why is it you wanted to see Shikamaru again" I asked curiously, trying to take my mind off of Kazami and Jirayia.

"I just want to ask him a question about an Akatsuki member" she replied "speaking of which, I never got the chance to bring this up....but you're a Jinchūriki, aren't you?"

I nodded and Hope sighed deeply before nervously playing with a strand of her long, chocolate colored hair.

"10 Tailed."

"What" I said confused.

"10 Tailed Beast" Hope repeated "I'm the Jinchūriki of the 10 Taied Beast."

My eyes widened slightly and I stared ahead at nothing. Why are there so many damn Jinchūriki in Konoha?! Me, Naruto, and now Hope....I'm surprised the Akatsuki hasn't attacked us yet!!

We arrived at Shikamaru's place sooner then expected and I walked up to the door as Hope lagged behind and stared with intense eyes.

"Shika!" I said, knocking "open up!"

"What a drag....here I come!"

I stopped knocking and footsteps echoed slightly as the door suddenly opened, and Shikamaru yawned deeply before leaning against the doorway. I smiled deeply as Shikamaru simply stared at me and chewed on his bottom lip.

"How's it going, Shika?!"

"Troublesome woman."

"What the fuck, Shikamaru" I said, gritting my teeth "I can't even get a hello nowadays?!"


"There you go!"

"What do you want?"

"This is Hope" I said pointing at her as she examined Shikamaru "she wanted to ask you some questions about that Akatsuki member you killed."

Shikamaru lazily turned his gaze to Hope and locked eyes with her. Hope glared at Shikamaru slightly as he yawned again and looked at me.

"Hey Ruka" he asked "when's the last time we hung out?"

"That's so off topic" I said sweat dropping.

"Look shitwad!" Hope said "I have some fucking questions that need fucking answers! Now get your lazy ass out here and answer them!"

"It's to much work."

Hope got a irk mark and balled her hands into fist as Shikamaru smirked and winked at her. He's still the same as always; I sighed deeply and stepped away from the door.

"Well I introduced you" I said walking off "you can do the rest!"

"Wait" Hope demanded "where the hell are you going?!"

You are the only one....                       ×Book 2×Where stories live. Discover now