Bonus Chapter!!!! 90/5. Happy early/late birthday!!!!

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~Hope's POV~



"Carry me...."

"Fuck no!"



"Please carry me...."


I pouted angrily and crossed my arms over my chest as Hidan continued walking forward with his scythe slung comfortably over his shoulder. A White Zetsu approched us and Hidan kicked him square in the chest before slicing him down the middle, cutting him completely in half.

"Stupid white fuckers" he muttered as we continued forward "stupid fucking piece of shit, good for nothing ass, cock sucking, bitch war!

How the hell did he fit all those swear words in one sentence?! He definitely deserves a medal for that!

I exhaled deeply and titled my head up to the sky as explosions and the sounds of metal against metal clanged all around me. I never once thought I'd be partaking in a war; the Fourth Shinobi World War to be exact. It was rather exciting minus the fact that there wasn't a lot of blood for me to use as sacrifices to Lord Jashin.

I was either fighting against revived dead people (who had no blood), or against those stupid White Zetsu's (who only shed a minimal amount of blood.)

Their blood taste gross anyway, even Hidan-sama didn't want it!

Someone landed in front of us and I looked to see Shikamaru standing there, a deep yawn emitting from his mouth and his hands stuck deep in his pockets. Hidan smirked and removed the scythe from his shoulder as I gave him a pointed look.

"Are you the real one or a White Zetsu?" Hidan asked.

"Well let's see" Shikamaru began "unless a White Zetsu knows that you killed my Sensei, Asuma, which caused me to trick you and your companion into separating and you being blown up and having your body parts scattered all over a deep hole which I filled with rocks....I'm pretty sure I'm the real one."

I tried to bite my lip to keep quiet but I let out a loud laugh and clutched my stomach as Hidan angrily gritted his teeth and muttered something about revenge and bitches.

"Tsunade was kind enough to let you live in Konoha after the war is over despite you being a former Akatsuki member" he said "you could show a little bit more friendliness....unless you want some more hole time?"

"THAT'S IT, KID!!!!!!"

Hidan made to charge at Shikamaru but I stuck my foot out as he tripped and faceplanted hard on the ground. Shikamaru shook his head in disappointment and I let out another giggle as Hidan gave me a glare sharp enough to cut through steel.

"Gaara told me to inform you both that he's temporarily relieved you of your patrol duty and needs your assistance in the first platoon."

"The first platoon?" I asked curiously "what's happening there?"

Shikamaru pulled his hands out of his pockets and sighed deeply; "we have reason to believe Madara plans to bring the previous Kage's in that direction. If that's the case, having two immortal beings will help us in the long run."

"So we're basically the punching bag?!" Hidan said angrily "I'll have you know, just because I'm immortal it still fucking hurts when my head gets chopped off!!! Those Kage bitches can kill me as much as they want, but if they touch Hope every motherfucker I see is dying!!!!!!"

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