92. Sexual desires: the confession

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========The Next Day========

"Did you find the gorilla family?"

"Yeah" Naruto said, scratching it off of the clipboard he held.

"Did you find The Penguin Gang?"

"Over there flirting with the giraffe temptress" Naruto replied, pointing in a direction to the right.

I quickly looked up and saw one of the penguins was indeed flirting with a giraffe temptress as she batted he long eyelashes in response. This would be considered abnormal no matter how you looked at it but what made it even more so was that all the animals were about the size of a mansion and the penguin was dressed in a sort of tuxedo with a pipe hanging from his mouth.

"HEY!!!!!!" I shouted, making Naruto and all of the animals jump and turn towards me "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER AND GET IN THE FUCKING TEMPLE ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The penguin made angry chattering noises and waddled into the underground temple as the giraffe did a small grin and followed after him. Naruto smiled and continued to check off the names of the animals as they entered the temple.

Yamoto had informed Naruto and I that if there was to be an upcoming war in the future against Madara then the animals would prove as reliable assets. It seemed a pointless task to me but Naruto seemed so enthusiastic and it's hard to say no to that stupid signature smile of his.

"OI!" Naruto yelled suddenly, snapping me of my thoughts "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM THE DEER!!!!"

Oh, he must be talking to the coyotes.


"Naruto" I muttered, my face turning red.


"They're not fighting....."

Naruto stared at the two animals for a long time and he blushed red in embarrassment before running towards them.


I exhaled deeply in irritation and looked to see all of the animals had been escorted safely into the temple. Yamoto, Motoi, Bee, and Guy were waiting for us inside when we finished and I couldn't wait to get in there and sit down.


"Naruto....that's not snot."

"But it's all white and sticky!"

There was a long moment of silence and Naruto and I had a small staring session before realization set in and a look of immediate disgust flashed across his face.


"Naruto calm down....."


Naruto ran into the temple demanding for Yamoto as a laugh forced itself from my throat. The animals all finally shuffle into the temple and I tuck the clipboard under my arm before following after them, ready to sit down and hopefully take a nap.


Naruto sulked and started to pout in the small lake Yamoto had found him as I sat by the edge of it, waiting for him to come out.
Naruto sunk deeper underwater so only his eyes were visible. I giggled slightly and he gave me a pointed look as a small grin worked it's way across my face.

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