73. Naruto's confession

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"Naruto.....I love you."


I felt my eyes widen in surprise and my heart suddenly felt very painful like someone had just stabbed through it with a blazing hot Kunai. Sakura loves Naruto....when did this start happening?

I'm so confused!

"W-What was that Sakura-chan?!" Naruto asked, his face turning red "I d-don't think I heard that right, come again?"

"Sheesh" Sakura said, her own cheeks a deep red "you should really listen when a girl is confessing her love to you!"


Yamoto, Kiba, and Lee were all staring at Sakura in shock and utter disbelief as Kakashi Sensei simply glared at her and Naruto was still very shocked. Sakura took a deep breath and walked over to Naruto before wrapping her arms around him and placing her head on his chest.

"I can actually touch you like this" she said softly, affection in her eyes "Sasuke is so far away from me, I couldn't possibly love a rouge ninja, but I know I can have you to myself. I know you'll never leave me."

Why am I still here; I already know what he's going to say and I'm doing nothing but hurting myself the more I listen to this. I turned around and began walking off towards the location Sasuke had told me to meet him at. I know he said to give him at last 2 hours, but I just need some place where I can be alone with my thoughts.

Why did I even bother?

Now that I'm thinking about it, Naruto has always loved Sakura and now the girl of his dreams is confessing her love to him and clinging onto him like he's always wanted. What if, back then, our relationship didn't even mean anything? What if he just agreed to go out with me on the hopes that he can occupy his mind off of Sakura?

Wouldn't that make me a fling?

Was I just a fling to him?

'He doesn't care about you' Kinase said, speaking for the first time since the incident in the forest 'he loves the pink haired brat, he always has and he always will. Compared to her, you're nothing in his eyes.'

She's right....

Naruto doesn't love me, why would he? What is there for him to possibly love about me?

I exhaled deeply and felt like tight strings were pulling at my insides, slowly squeezing them and making unbearable pain arise. I clutched at my chest and took deep but calm breaths to slow down my quick heart rate.

'Go to Sasuke' Kinase said 'he'll take care of you.'


He'll make me feel better, he's the one that rescued me from Madara and took care of me when I was damaged and badly tortured. He'd know what to say to make me feel alright again, I never even realized how much I've missed him.

I wrapped my arms around myself for comfort as my eyes became itchy with nonexistent tears, nonetheless, I forced a small grin on my face knowing I would see Sasuke again.

~Naruto's POV~

Sakura continued to hold onto me and blush but all I could do was stare at her.

She came all the way here just to tell me something like that? Even if it was true, though I know it's not, I already have my heart set on the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. The Fourth Hokage, my father, told me that life isn't completely fulfilled unless you have a girl you're willing to die for.

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