9. An unforgivable act

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I glanced back and saw Kakashi Sensei chasing after me as I continued to follow Naruto who was still relentlessly trying to catch that man.

"Dad" I said surprised "what are you doing here?! What happened to Sakura and elder Chiyo?"

"They're taking care of Sasori" he replied falling in step beside me "besides you can't handle Naruto all by yourself...not when he's like this."

"Tsk" I said bitterly "why not? He's been like this before when he was a kid, what's so different now?"

Kakashi Sensei didn't answer and I glanced at him suspiciously.

"Oh look at that!" The man said leaning over his bird to stare at us "the Jinchūriki is coming! So is the girl! That's just amazing! However, I could do without the Jōnin."

I watched as the man dropped a handful of something and they slowly began hopping in our direction. I couldn't exactly tell what they were but they looked like crickets.

"Here" Kakashi Sensei said thrusting something into my hand "take this in case we get separated."

I looked down and saw some sort of white seal that said 'Demon seal' on it. What am I gonna do with this?

"You'll know when to use it" he said "make sure you attach it directly on his chest and...please...be careful around him."

I stared at him confused as the small white things grew closer. He began making hand signs and activated his Sharingan as a clone appeared and hopped in the opposite direction. The small white things followed and seconds later they exploded as the logs we were hopping across shook dangerously.

The air around the mans right arm began to swirl strangely like it was made of water and he growled in irritation. That must be Kakashi Sensei's new Sharingan; he's trying to kill him. I hope it works too because Naruto is not letting up.

"Well if that's how it's gonna be" the man said "how about and arm for an arm?!"

Kakashi Sensei deactivated his Sharingan as the mans arm let out a large crack and separated from his body. The man opened his mouth as something white came hurtling down straight towards Kakashi Sensei. His eyes widened and before I could react he picked me up effortlessly and threw me forward as the white bomb like thing hit him right in the leg.


I gasped and covered my eyes as a large cloud of smoke swept over me and logs began falling down into the depths of the water below. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I had been completely blocked in due to the wreckage and Kakashi Sensei was nowhere to be seen.

"Dad?!" I yelled loudly "Dad are you okay?!"

"I'm fine" his voice came from the other side of the wreckage "but there's no way I'm getting through this. Keep following Naruto! Don't lose him and make sure you hold on tight to that seal!"

I clenched my hands tightly into fist and hopped off after Naruto. I know he said he was okay but I saw where that bomb hit him.

Damn it Naruto! You better hope he's okay!


The man had finally swooped down low enough on his bird for Naruto to leap forward and tackle him off. The two tussled through the trees and landed on the forest floor as I sighed in relief.

At least they've stopped moving. I slipped the seal in my pocket and continued watching.

Naruto summoned five shadow clones and then began ripping the clay bird open to get Gaara. Deciding not to intervene, I crouched down low in the trees and watched Naruto form a Rasengan in his hand before hitting the man hard in the stomach with it; making a crater in the ground.

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