10. My knucklehead ninja

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~1 hour later~

We were all standing around Gaara's dead body; mourning his death along with everyone from the Sand village. Team Gai, Kakashi Sensei, Sakura, and elder Chiyo had found me and asked what happened.

I didn't tell them... I lied and said Naruto went into a rage so I used the seal to stop him. I don't think Kakashi Sensei believed me, but I didn't give him time to question it. Naruto had no memory of what had happened or what he tried to do, so I decided to just bury it.

However, I'll never forget what happened...how can you forget something like that?

I lowered my head and stared at the ground in deep thought as my eyes became itchy; I don't know what it is that makes me want to cry.

Is Gaara's death?

Is it what Naruto tried to do?

Is it both?

I'm so confused and I feel like my brain might explode from this amount of emotional stress. I exhaled deeply and let my hair sweep over my shoulders and hang loosely in the air.


Temari and Kankuro were hugging each other and crying deeply as I watched them. Seeing them cry like that made me want to cry as well; it must be awful to lose a relative.

I couldn't imagine how I would act if I lost Ryuku...

Elder Chiyo stepped forward and knelt down by Gaara's body as she placed her hands on his chest. We all watched her hopefully and Naruto just stared at her in surprise. Elder Chiyo's hands started to glow green and she concentrated deeply as the green glow flowed into Gaara's chest. Gaara continued to remain completely still; when suddenly his eyes fluttered and he went still again.

Everyone gasped and I remained quiet as Elder Chiyo continued to work; her green glow suddenly started to get weaker and she let out a sigh of disappointment. She needs Chakra...lots of it.

I went over to Naruto and nudged him on the shoulder before pointing at Gaara. He nodded in understanding and we both went over to elder Chiyo before kneeling down and placing our hands on top of hers. She looked up at us and smiled gratefully as she borrowed our Chakra and continued to heal Gaara.

Gaara isn't a bad person.

This I know from fact, not opinion. Gaara has been in pain before just like I have. He's been lonely, he's been scared, and he's been betrayed.

After that fight between he and Naruto; Gaara has changed so much. He see's life from a different perspective then killing. He loves and he cares.

He has a brother and sister that want him to live.

He has an entire village that is suffering from his death.

Someone like that...always deserves a second chance.

Moments later, the green glow disappeared and elder Chiyo smiled softly before falling to the floor. Naruto and I frowned sadly, knowing she was dead. Sakura came over and scooped elder Chiyo up in her arms; crying.

Naruto and I turned towards Gaara and he remained completely still. Something told me to grab his hand so I did. I grabbed his hand firmly in both of my own and held it.

"Gaara" I whispered softly "please wake up. Don't die...not like this."

Gaara's eyes fluttered again and very slowly; his eyes opened as those sea foam green orbs stared up at me. I felt happiness start to fill up inside of me and I leaned closer to him as Naruto smiled widely.

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