91. R.I.P Kisame

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Kisame stared at Guy for a long time then let out a small chuckle as he picked himself up from the ground.

"I remember you" he said with a sneer, wiping blood from his mouth "you're that basterd from that one day."

Guy Sensei gave Kisame a confused look and scratched his head, probably trying to think of where he met this man before. Yamoto slowly picked himself up from the ground when Guy Sensei suddenly snapped his fingers, an imaginary light bulb appearing above his head.

"I do remember you!"

Kisame raised an eyebrow in surprise as Yamoto and I stared at Guy confused.

"I was out for a swim and got attacked by a particularly large pufferfish" Guy stated "that must have been you!"

Yamoto anime fell for a second time and I got an irk mark on my forehead at Guy Sensei's stupidity at the moment. Kisame clenched his teeth tightly together and glared at him as running footsteps came in our direction.

"There he is!" I heard Naruto's voice say.

Kisame growled angrily and submerged underneath the small lake as Naruto and Bee finally caught up to us and looked around for any sign of the Akatsuki member. The water underneath our feet rippled slightly and before any of us could react Kisame, with his arms and legs now intact, leapt out of the lake and started heading towards the ocean.

"If he gets to the ocean there will be no stopping him!" Yamato said angrily hopping off.

"Come on, fool ya fools!"

Bee and Guy Sensei followed quickly after Yamoto as Naruto and I exchanged a small glance before doing the same.

Kisame glanced behind him and saw us as he clicked his tounge in annoyance and leapt faster through the treetops, nearing closer and closer to the ocean. Yamoto frowned heavily and began making hands signs as Naruto summoned a clone and made a Rasen-Shuriken.

"Wood Style: Capture Jutsu!"

Many pillars of wood shot out of the ground and raced towards Kisame as one locked firmly around his ankle and another around his left arm, halting his movements.

"Naruto?!" Yamoto exclaimed.


Naruto threw his Jutsu and it hit Kisame square in the chest as he coughed up blood and went flying backwards, even closer to the ocean.


"I got it, fool ya fool!"

A loud rumbling sound occurred and one of Bee's tentacles burst out of the ground and smacked Kisame back in our direction as even more blood spewed from his mouth.


"Hai" I said smirking slightly as I formed a regular Chidori in my hand and lunged at Kisame.

I thrust the Chidori directly into Kisame's stomach an he groaned in pain as lighting crackled all around his body and he flew backwards for a second time, hitting the surface of the water with a loud bang and causing the current surroundings to shake slightly.

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