29. Love is strange...

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~Naruto's POV~

"SORA!" I yelled angrily "SNAP OUT OF IT!"

Sora growled angrily and glared at me as the Nine Tailed Fox's Chakra continued to swirl around him. I took out my Kunai and before I could charge at him; I heard footsteps walking in my direction. We all turned to look and I was surprised and in complete fear when I saw Naoki. She was slowly walking this way, her head hung so I couldn't see her face.


She ignored me and walked right past me as she began walking over to Sora. My eyes widened as Sora glanced at Naoki then at us, daring us to try and come get her. Shit...what the hell is she doing?! Sakura gasped and pushed past me as she ran over to Naoki.


Before Sakura could reach her, Sora leapt in front of Naoki and pulled her away as he punched Sakura hard in the stomach. Sakura coughed up blood and went flying back as I gasped and caught her before she could suffer any more damage. Sakura whimpered in my arms as I stared at her then glared up at Sora.

What the hell is Naoki doing?!

Sora released Naoki and she remained completely still as her tail swished back and forth and Chakra from Sora's Nine Tailed Fox swirled around her. Everyone gasped and stared at Naoki as her body slowly absorbed the red Chakra.

"It's because she's part fox" Yamato explained "the Chakra of the Nine Tails must have involuntarily flipped on some sort of submissive switch in her."

"What does that m...mean" Sakura said weakly as she sat up, wincing.

"It means" Yamoto said sadly "the Nine Tailed Fox is, for the time being, her Alpha."

We all gasped and I angrily looked up at Sora as Naoki continued to absorb the red Chakra.

Ruka's gonna kill me...

~Ruka's POV~

"What's wrong?"

I turned my gaze away from the window and looked at Gaara as he stared at me with worried eyes.

"N-Nothing" I said hastily, taking a bite of my food "I just...can't stop thinking about Konoha. I feel like somethings wrong, but I'm sure it's nothing! I'm probably just feeling nostalgic."

"Probably" Gaara replied, staring at his plate.

I sighed deeply and glanced back out the window as I forced myself to think of something other then Konoha. I hope when I get back everything is okay and my feeling of unease was just because of nostalgia. I nodded firmly to myself and continued muching on my food; this restaurant Gaara took us to has the best food! Everything taste good! I happily ate my food as Gaara simply watched me; not even bothering to touch his own food.

"Ruka, can I ask you something?"

I swallowed the food that was in my mouth and set down my chopsticks as I looked at Gaara. Ask me something...?

"Sure" I replied simply.

"Okay" Gaara said frowning slightly "this may be a strange question, but are you and Naruto dating...or in any kind of intimate relationship?"

My face flushed deep red and I almost chocked on my spit. Naruto and I...?!

"No!" I said rather loudly as people from other tables glanced at us "we're not dating! We don't have any kind of relationship like...that!"

You are the only one....                       ×Book 2×Where stories live. Discover now