93. Pleasure

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♡♡♡There is sexual material in this chapter♥♥♥


I slapped Naruto hard across the face as he whimpered in pain and clutched the red welt now appearing on his cheek. I crawled away from him and brought my knees up to my chest as he stared at me with a confused and slightly irritated look.

"What was that for?!"


"Am not!!"


"So you don't want to have sex?" Naruto asked sadly.

"How did you even figure out what sex was" I asked, ignoring the question he just threw at me.

"I walked in on Pervy Sage doing it with some lady" he said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand "after she left he told me all about sex and what exactly it was. So that's why I want to have sex with you!"


I threw multiple Kunai at Naruto and he quickly moved to the side as they flew pass harmlessly and thunked into the ground.

"The only reason you want to have sex with me is because you saw Pervy Sage do it?!" I asked angrily, bringing my knees closer to my chest.

"No" Naruto said, slowly crawling over to me "I want to have sex with you because I love you and I thought you would enjoy it."

"B-But I've never had sex before" I muttered as he stood in front of me again.

"Neither have I" he said honestly "but wouldn't you like to know what it feels like?"

I thought about that for a moment.

I never thought I'd be stuck in such a awkward and flustered situation like this before. I mean, it's not everyday someone approches you and says they want to have sex. Then again this is Naruto we're talking about, after hanging around with Pervy Sage for three years I should have expected him to start talking like this sooner or later.

I also blame Minato and Kushina for birthing him.

'That's a little harsh, kid' Kinase muttered, startling me.

'KINASE' I exclaimed 'are you still mad at me?!'


I sighed in relief and looked up at Naruto as he patiently waited for my answer.

"Naruto, I want to have sex with you too."

He remained silent and stared at me for a long time as I blushed deeply and let out a nervous, shaky breath.

'What the fuck did I miss?!' Kinase exclaimed 'we're having sex now?!'

'I guess so.'

"So!" I said quickly, breaking the awkward silence "how do we....start?"

Naruto leaned forward and without warning and he placed his hands on my shoulders and kissed me.
A/N: If you are uncomfortable with what is about to happen then you may skip it and move to the next portion of the chapter. There will be another A/N there to tell you when it is safe to continue reading. As for everyone else, enjoy.
My eyes widened in surprise but I simply closed them and wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss. Naruto gently pushed me on the ground and climbed on top of me as we broke apart for air then immediately locked our lips back together.

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