6. The Kazami choke hold! Encounter with Itachi Uchiha

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I sat on the swing by myself, crying heavily and unable to stop the tears that flowed down my face.

I was 13 years old, Naruto had just left me and I had just been reunited with my family. However, Naruto's departure was to much for me to handle and I wept uncontrollably.

"Oi" a voice said suddenly "what are you crying for kid?"

I looked up through my tears, shocked, to see a woman with long blue hair and light blue eyes staring at me. At first, I was too surprised to speak, then she snapped her fingers in my face and I jumped.

"Hey!" She said in annoyance "I asked you a question kid!"

"A-A person I really care about l-left me" I replied slowly as more tears spilled down my cheeks.

"Was it a boy?"

I slowly nodded and the woman clicked her tongue against the root of her mouth before yanking me off of the swing an putting me in a choke hold. I struggled in shock and fear as she simply laughed and gripped tighter.

"That's what's wrong with you girls nowadays!" She said sternly "you're more obsessed with boys then you are with your training and studies! Repeat after me kid! I am a independent woman!"

"P-Please let me go" I pleaded trying to remove her arm from my neck.

"I call this the famous Kazami choke hold! No one can escape it!"


"No ones gonna hear you!" She said angrily "now repeat what I said!"

"I-I am a s-s-strong independent woman!"

"You call that strong?! Say it with your chest!"

"I am a strong independent woman!"



She finally let go and I hurriedly stood up from the ground before running away from her.

Geez...what's wrong with that lady?!


I woke up with a jolt and sat up in bed; panting heavily. I hurriedly looked around the room to see if there was a flash of blue hair anywhere...nothing. I exhaled deeply and put my hands over my eyes to block out the small stream of sunlight that was peeking into the room.

Kazami...where the hell are you?

Sakura's light snore echoed around the room and my eyes began to get that itching feeling that let me know I was close to tears that would never come.

A knock issued from the door and I turned towards it; waiting for the person to identify themselves. I heard two people whispering to themselves and they knocked again.

"Ruka! Sakura-chan!" A familiar voice said "it's time to go! Believe it!"

He still calls her Sakura-chan? I rolled my eyes and began prodding Sakura with my foot as her eyelids slowly fluttered open. Her eyes turned towards my foot and she gasped before rolling over and falling off the bed with a loud thud.


Sakura stood back up, blushing in embarrassment, and playfully glared at me, as I laughed.

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