38. Poisoned

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"I told you Sai would slip up."

Sai blushed in embarrassment and continued hopping along the treetops as Sakura giggled in amusement. As I expected, Sai slipped up and told Naruto about the mission so he complained to Tsunade and she allowed him to tag along with us. Sai just doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut.

"Hold up" Yamoto said suddenly, stopping us in our tracks "I see something up ahead."

We leapt down from the treetops and onto the ground as we proceeded cautiously forward. We reached a clearing and gasped in surprise as a giant dome of what looked like crystal laid in front of us.

"What's this" Naruto said curiously, reaching out to touch it.


Naruto leapt backwards and smiled sheepishly as Yamoto sighed in relief. Baka, trying to touch something and he doesn't even know if it's dangerous or not. Yamoto turned one of his fingers into wood and lightly tapped the dome. It rippled slightly and made a soothing chime sound but didn't harm him.

"It's not dangerous" Yamoto confirmed as I touched it and the cold material rippled under my fingers "but Kakashi Senpai and the others must be trapped inside."

I snickered slightly under my breath and everyone turned towards me surprised. I couldn't help it...Yamoto...

"Kakashi...senpai?" I said, raising my eyebrows at him.

Yamato blushed slightly and turned his head away from me as we all laughed. Yamoto must really look up to Kakashi Sensei. Naruto sighed deeply and stared at the giant crystal dome in front of us.

"I got this Yamoto Sensei" he said firmly "you guys should probably back up."

We all exchanged small, worried glances but leapt onto the treetops and watched as Naruto bit his thumb and summoned two pretty big toads. Naruto climbed onto of one of the toads and my eyes widened in disbelief as I watched him; is he doing that Jutsu I was doing yesterday?

That's not fair...

I frowned slightly but watched in interest as the toad he was on took in a deep breath and Naruto infused his Chakra into the toad.

"Wind Style: Water Bullet Jutsu!"

The toad let out a large stream of water that combined with Naruto's Wind Chakra and slammed hard into the crystal dome. The crystal dome began cracking as the ground shook heavily and we held onto the tree branches. Finally, the dome shattered into tiny pieces and disappeared completely as a depressed aura surrounded me.

Why can't I make mine perfect like that...?

Naruto smiled and glanced at me for praise then frowned worriedly; noticing my depressed and slightly pissed off aura.


"I hate you Naruto."

Naruto anime fell and slid off of his toad as we leapt down from the treetops and towards the direction Sai had seen Kakashi Sensei and the others with his giant ink bird. I hope everyone is okay; Kakashi Sensei especially. I exhaled deeply to relieve my stress and decided to stop thinking about it; everyone will be fine, I'm sure of it.

"You thinking about Kazami?"

I turned my head towards the voice and saw Naruto staring at me curiosity. I frowned slightly and turned my head away from him.

"I'm always thinking about Kazami" I replied simply "she's like my big sister. She's the best Sensei I could have ever asked for and Orochimaru just took her from me!"

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