68. Torture

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I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted with a mossy, dark gray ceiling.

My eyes widened in surprise and I tried to sit up only to be jerked back down by chains that had been locked around my wrist and ankles. Where am I; what the hell is going on?! I began to panic and looked around rapidly to see strange devices all around the room, some covered in blood and others covered in a strange, unknown black substance.

Where am I?!

The smell of sulfer and blood cut clean across my nose and I gagged slightly, wishing for it to go away.

"I see you're awake."

I immediately turned my head towards the voice and saw the man with the orange mask on that had kidnapped me. I let out a small gasp of surprise and struggled against the chains holding me down as fear slowly wrapped around me.

"L-Let me go!" I said angrily, trying to keep the shakiness out of my voice.

"Let you go?" He said surprised, walking closer as I saw the glint of a Kunai "and why would I do that? We haven't been able to have any one on one time."


The man stopped right in front of the strange table I was lying on and didn't reply. I glared up at him angrily as his Sharingan peered into my eyes, no emotion in them whatsoever.

"Before we get started on my little experiment" he said, raising the Kunai "let's get one thing straight. My name is not Tobi. My name is Madara Uchiha, and I will make sure you never forget it."

"Madara Uchiha" I said in disbelief "that's impossible! He's dead, he died a long time ago!"

"Hn, I wonder about that."

Before I had time to react, Madara plunged the Kunai deep in my stomach as I let out a scream of pain. He then twisted the Kunai tightly as I coughed up blood and let out another scream of agony. The deeper the Kunai went, the more intensified my screams became and to make things even more painful he took the Kunai out and plunged it ight back in.

"It hurts doesn't it" he asked in a quiet voice, pulling the Kunai out and plunging it back in.

I thrashed against the chains holding me down and clenched my teeth in pain as he finally took the Kunai out and threw it to the side. Blood soaked my clothes within seconds and pain radiated throughout my entire body as I panted heavily, thinking of something.....anything....to get my mind off of this insufferable pain.

Madara grabbed a hammer and infused it with Chakra before swinging it at me, hitting my left leg. A loud sound, similar shattering glass, echoed around the room and another loud screech of pain escaped me as my hands clenching tightly into fist. I tried to move my leg but nothing happened except for a searing, hot pain that quickly pulsed throughout my whole body before disappearing.

"Stop screaming."

He hit me hard in the chest with the hammer and I coughed up another large amount of blood as four or five loud cracks issued from my ribs. Madara wasn't satisfied yet so he then hit my right leg repeatedly with the hammer. It shattered like the left one and I let out a scream, ignoring what he had just said.

"I see you don't listen" he said, dropping the hammer to the floor "well then let's try something new."

Madara undid the chains around my wrist and ankles, being to weak and broken to move, I wathed as he flipped my around so I was on my stomach and reattached the chains once more. He then grabbed another Kunai and ripped my shirt open as my eyes widened slightly.

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