89. Final battle

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The bright light which had previously engulfed my vision soon disappeared and I was back where I first started in that dimly lit room.


My gaze snapped upwards towards Kinase.

Her eye, probably due to the Chakra she stole, was fully healed and no longer bleeding from when I had plunged my sword into it. A snarl was across her face and I could see the hatred swirling throughout her eyes.

"Yo!" I heard Bee's voice in my head "you got free from Kinase's trap, I was really getting tired of her crap! Fool ya fool!"

"Me too, Bee" I muttered with a glare directed at the fox in front of me.

I felt a warm hand lie itself on my shoulder and I turned to see who was there but saw no one. I smiled softly to myslf and turned back towards Kinase with more confidence then usual.

"Thanks Minato."

"ALRIGHT!" A loud voice boomed as eight tentacles burst from the ground "READY WHEN YOU ARE, FOOL YA FOOL!!!"

The warm hand removed itself from my shoulder and I bit my thumb before making hand signs, slamming my palm on the ground afterwards.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

A small puff of smoke appeared and once it cleared there stood Kenshin. The small wolf glanced up at me through his large green eyes then looked around curiously, probably wondering why he was here.

"Hey, what did you call me he.....HOLY SHIT WHAT IS THAT?!?!?!"

Kenshin yelped in fear and hid behind me as he stared at Kinase in fear and disbelief. I rolled my eyes at the frightened pup and picked him up before plopping him on my shoulder.

"Help me take her Chakra and I'll tell you" I said with a small smirk.


Kinase growled angrily and tried to charge at me but Bee wrapped his tentacles around her body and slammed her to the ground, causing the room to shake heavily.

"Yes" I replied simply.

"Watch out!" Bee rapped "she may be pinned, but she has some fight still left in!"

Kinase let out a loud ear shattering roar and opened her mouth as red and blue orbs started to form together into one giant, Chakra filled black orb.

Not again....

"Hurry up and merge with me Kenshin!" I demanded, sitting on the ground and keeping my eyes trained on the steadily growing black orb.

Kenshin simply nodded in reply and closed his eyes as Kinase swallowed the giant orb and began to chew it, her cheeks widening all the while. Shit, how am I suppose to dodge that without disturbing Kenshin!?

'Leave it to me' Minato's voice said in my mind.

I exhaled deeply in relief and nodded as Kinase opened her mouth and shot a large powerful beam towards me. Before it could even get close to me, a Kunai with strange writing around the handle whizzed past and seconds later the beam disappeared.

"What did you do, fool ya fool?!" Bee asked in amazement.

My mouth gaped open and I stared ahead of me as Minato chuckled.

'I became the Hokage for a reason.'

Another Kunai, with the same strange writing on the handle whizzed behind Kinase and the beam reappeared before hitting her directly in her back, making her roar in pain and slam into the wall.

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