17. Why do I feel this way?

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"Why did you put me in a choke hold that one day we meet?"

It had been three weeks later; I had got to know Kazami more and find out what kind of personality she had. She was very pretty once I stopped to examine her, and she was quiet at times but sassy and outgoing. At the moment, I was at her house and she was treating me to dinner.

"No reason" she replied stirring the food in the pot before putting the lid back on.

"There has to be a reason" I said frowning "you don't just put people in choke holds for no reason."

Kazami glanced at me then smirked and said "why does there have to be a reason?"

"Because what if...?"

"AH-HA!" She yelled pointing a finger at me as I jumped "there it is! What if! Life itself is a big what if. What if this and what if that. The very outcome of our lives revolve around that one phrase...what...if..."

With that she turned back around and continued tending to her food like nothing had happened. Kazami is so strange, but the things she says put my mind in working action.

"For example" she continued stirring her food "what if I had never saw you crying on that swing? What would you have done?"

I thought for a moment. What would I have done; just continued to sit there?

"I would just keep crying I guess" I replied.

Kazami nodded and threw another one at me; "what if that boy you were crying over never left?"

My heart leapt in my chest and I thought about Naruto as my eyes watered.

"I-I would j-just..." I said, struggling to get my sentence out.

"Stop right there!" Kazami said leaving her food and turning towards me "that's another thing I want to talk to you about. Stop crying."

"Stop crying" I said confused "you mean like forever?"

"Of course not" she said "that's probably physically impossible unless you're the most cold hearted son of a bitch on this Earth. However, you can save your tears. Like me, I haven't cried in what...10 years?"

"10 YEARS?!" I said in disbelief "how do you hold them that long?!"

"I don't hold them" she said rolling her eyes "I just save them. I like to think my tears are precious; which they are. If I just cry over every little thing then my tears have no value; they're useless. However, one day I'm going to cry, and when I do it will be the largest, most heart wrenching cry I ever had in my life. Then whoever I'm crying those tears for will know; that I care and love them so much that I'm willing to spill my tears for them. Those kinds of tears...they're priceless."

I stared at her for a long time in shock; as she smiled and playfully pinched my nose.

"So save those tears!" She said happily "because you'll have to use them for something much more important. However, if you start crying because my food taste horrible I'll accept that too."


I woke up to the sound of a door opening and I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as Sakura, Naruto, Sai, and Yamoto walked in; talking quietly.

Everyone looked in my direction, and immediately Sakura and Naruto were standing by my side and smiling.

"Hey you two" I said groggily tousling their hair "how'd the simulation go?"

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