43. I don't plan on dying

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"I can't believe old lady Tsunade said you're not going with us on our mission to find Sasuke tomorrow" Naruto said pouting.

"It's probably for the best" I replied "besides I didn't really want to go in the fir-"

"Can you idiots find me someplace to sit?!"

Naruto sweatdropped and I got a irk mark as I glared at Hope from the corner of my eyes. Kazami had asked Naruto and I to take take Hope around the village and get her accustomed to everything while she talked to Tsunade and Jirayia. She promised to tell me anything I wanted to know afterwords but Hope is beginning to piss me the hell off!

"We can't take you to sit down" Naruto said "Kazami said..."

"Fuck that" Hope yelled, crossing my arms "I want to sit down!"

"Listen here bitch" I said facing her fully as Naruto slowly backed away "you'll listen to what Kazami says because she didn't have to save your ungrateful ass!"

Hope stared at me for a long time then frowned and blew a strand of hair out of her face.

"Yeah whatever" she muttered "get out of my face you big tittied bitch."

A murderous aura surrounded me as Naruto walked over to Hope and pulled her away from me; shielding her with his body.
"Don't hurt her Ruka" he said frowning.

I glared at him as Hope latched onto Naruto's arm and began to fake pout.

"You're so sweet Naruto-kun" she said seductively "I know I can rely on you!"

Naruto blushed a deep red and smiled nervously as Hope closed one of her eyes and then stuck her tongue out at me. I felt a weird feeling tugging at the inside of my chest and I ignored it as I huffed angrily and began walking off.

Stupid bitch...

"So tell us about yourself Hope" Naruto asked curiously.

"Well" she began, still latched onto his arm like a lost puppy "I'm an orphan..."

Naruto and I frowned.

"...I have parents out there somewhere" she continued "but they don't love me anymore so I couldn't care less about those assholes! I came from a small village that's a long ways away from this place."

"What was your old life like" Naruto said.

"Let's talk about other things" Hope said "my favorite color is Teal, I like all kinds of food except seafood. Seafood is disgusting...I don't fuck around with that stuff! My dream for the future is to make a name for myself in this world and make people acknowledge me as an important person that they can depend on."

"I see" Naruto said smiling "well my name is Uzamaki Naruto! My favorite food is ramen, and I like the colors orange and red! My dream for the future is to become Hokage and have people treat me with the respect that I deserve! Why don't you introduce yourself, Ruka?"


"Just like Sasuke" he said sweatdropping "anyways....that's Ruka Kiyomizu Hatake! She's a princess here in Konoha and her favorite color is purple! Her favorite food is...uh..."

"Dango and Red bean soup."

"Her favorite foods are Dango and Red bean rice" Naruto continued "and her dream for the future is kind of like yours...she wants to become strong so she can protect the people she loves and she wants to be a Sannin."

"How do you know I want to be Sannin" I asked suspiciously.

"I..uh...just thought you would."

Hope, who had remained silent through all of this, grinned slightly and let go of Naruto's arm.

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