30. Our daughter

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The closer I got to the village the lower my heart sunk in my stomach.

Multiple buildings were smashed and destroyed...

Screaming could be heard from different parts of the village...

Jonin were running around and trying to find any lingering danger...

So I wasn't being paranoid after all; Konoha was really in danger. I swore angrily under my breath and ran inside the village as a bright red flash of light blinded me. I gasped and covered my eyes as a loud boom sounded throughout the entire village and a heavy wind pushed at me furiously. Once the wind and light had subsided, I uncovered my eyes and ran towards where the commotion was coming from.

What's happening?!

Who the hell is attacking Konoha?!

I arrived at the scene and hid in the treetops as I looked down at the scene below. My eyes widened as I saw everyone crowded around Naruto who was facing against a boy I didn't know. The boy had red Chakra wrapped around his entire figure; similar to the cloak Naruto once had and there were two tails swaying in the air behind him. I glanced to the right of the boy and I gasped when I saw Naoki. The red Chakra was slowly being absorbed into her body and her once chocolate brown eyes were now turning blood red.

Anger consumed me and I leapt down from the treetops as I landed beside Naruto. Naruto took out his Kunai and turned towards me, but his eyes widened in recognition and he lowered his weapon.

"Ruka" he said surprised "what are you doing here?!


I clenched my hands tightly into fist and glared at the boy surrounded by red Chakra as he growled at me; his red eyes gleaming and filled with hatred. That Chakra is no doubt from the Nine Tailed Fox; I have to be careful.

"What the hell are you standing around for Uzamaki" I said angrily through gritted teeth "that asshole has Naoki! ARE YOU JUST GONNA STAND THERE?!"

Naruto jumped slightly at my tone but then smirked and nodded firmly.

"Alright!" He said determinedly as he pulled out a Kunai "you grab Naoki and I'll distract Sora!"

"Sounds like a plan to me" I replied, pulling out my sword.

Hold on Naoki...we're coming!

Naruto's Kunai began glowing blue and he charged at the boy, Sora, as I ran towards Naoki. Sora turned towards me and sent a blast of Chakra towards me as I began making hand signs.

"Water Style: Chakra barrier Jutsu!"

A wave of water infused with my Chakra appeared in front of me just as Sora's attack slammed into it; leaving me unharmed in the process. The barrier disappeared and Sora growled angrily but before he could attack again Naruto engaged him in a fierce battle.

"Naoki!" I said stopping in front of her "come on! We have to get out of here!"

Naoki ignored me and looked up as her red eyes stared into my golden ones. A creepy smile spread across her face and she giggled as I stared at her in shock.

"I'm not going anywhere" she said giggling crazily "my Aplha will take care of me...he always does...he gives me power!"

What the fuck!

"Naoki" I said angrily grabbing her arm and tugging on it "let's go now!"

Naoki's skin started to sizzle and I removed my hand from her arm with a yelp as I stared at the burnt skin on my hands.

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