46. Team Kasai: Mission start!

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~Hope's POV~

"Stupid idiots" I muttered bitterly, walking around the village "they don't give a damn about me! No one does."

I felt tears glaze my eyes and I hurriedly wiped them away; I never asked to be a Jinchūriki. I didn't want this stupid demon inside of me; because of this thing me whole village hates me....even my own parents couldn't stand me.

"God!" I yelled kicking a nearby trash can and knocking it over "how could this day get any damn worst?!"


I bumped hard into someone and fell to the cement as a small pain radiated throughout my entire body. Sometimes I should really just keep my mouth shut. I sat up, wincing slightly, and glared at the person that had bumped into me.

"My apologies" he said, holding out his hand "I didn't mean to..."

"Asshole" I said angrily pushing his hand to the side and standing up by myself "next time watch where the fuck you're going!"

"I'm sorry" he said simply.

I remained silent and continued to glare at him; all the while examining his features. He had short red hair with sea foam green eyes, and was wearing some weird blue cloak.

"What's your name" he asked "I've never seen you around before."

"I just got here today" I replied "and I want to know your name before I even think about telling you mine!"

"Gaara" he said politely "Kazekage of the Sand village."

My eyes widened slightly in shock then I quickly lowered them. I wasn't expecting him to say that, still Kazekage or not, I'm not just gonna suck up to him!

"My names Hope" I said sourly "now if you don't mind I have to go!"

I started walking away from him but before I could get far he stopped me.

"Wait" he said as I turned towards him "if you don't mind, could you please take me to the Hokage's office. I have things to discuss with Tsunade."


I remember Naruto and Ruka pointing it out to me when they were showing me around town, but I don't remember it all that well. I stared into Gaara's sea foam green eyes and felt a small tug at heart.

"F-Fine!" I said blushing slightly "follow me!"

Gaara smiled, making another tug at my heart arouse, and we walked in the direction I assumed was the Hokage's office.

=============The Next Day=============
~Ruka's POV~

I sat up in bed and stared at the Kunai in my hand with a strange look. I tried to bring it closer to my wrist but every time I did; I would always move it away.

How odd...

I exhaled deeply and set the Kunai down on the nightstand as tiny rays of sunlight illuminated the room and covered it in a cloak of pink and yellow light. I glanced behind me and smiled slightly as the events of last night slowly came back to me.

"Wake up" I said softly, leaning closer to him "you're going to be late."

He groaned in disappointment and slowly opened his eyes as those sapphire blue orbs of his stared back at me. I felt him scoot closer to me and he dragged me back under the covers with him.

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