36. Difficult training

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"Sheesh" I said sighing deeply as I walked around the village "he could have at least said goodbye before he went creeping off to God knows where with Pervy Sage!"

Naruto had left, I'm assuming yesterday, to go do some training with Pervy Sage. I have no idea where they went or even what kind of training they're doing so I was left completely clueless. It's not like I care where he goes! I could care less!

However, since I'm out here I should take advantage of the fact and go train. I smiled slightly and headed towards the forest where I could be alone with my thoughts and focus on my training.


Ok...maybe not that alone.


I turned around to see who had called my name and saw Hinata running over to me; she looked flustered and angry at the same time so I wondered what had happened.

"That asshole Kuro" she said angrily when she reached me "he won't leave me alone!"

"What did he do" I asked curiously.

"He keeps teasing me and flirting with me even though he doesn't really mean it" she said blushing deeply "every time I tell him to go away he just keeps....GAH! CAN I GO WITH YOU?! I DON'T CARE WHERE YOU'RE GOING; AS LONG AS I'M THERE IT'S FINE!"

"I was actually going to the forest to train" I said giggling.



"Phew" Hinata said in relief, sitting at the base of a tree "thanks! I finally got away from that creep."

"Kuro's not a creep."

"Yeah right..."

I smiled and took a deep breath as I thought of what I should focus my training on today. Naruto just seems to be getting stronger and stronger everyday; there's no way I'm going to lose to that baka. I bit my thumb hard enough to draw blood and began making hand signs as Hinata watched me with interest.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

A large puff of smoke appeared and when it cleared I looked down at my summoned animal.

"WHAT?!" I said in disbelief; pointing at him "I DIDN'T SUMMON YOU!"

"WHAT?!" I said in disbelief; pointing at him "I DIDN'T SUMMON YOU!"

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"Aw" Hinata said, gushing "he's so cute!"

"He's the devil in disguise" I said glaring at Kenshin angrily.

"Look here bitch" Kenshin said angrily as Hinata's jaw dropped "I didn't ask you to summon me in this crummy ass place! I was getting my beauty sleep."

"More like your ugly sleep" I replied bitterly.

"Oh, so we talking shit now" Kenshin said as he disappeared then reappeared on my shoulder "I think you talking shit!"

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