A/N: I got tagged

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Me: Hey guys!! I know this isn't a chapter and I'm sorry for that, but FanfictionOnly4 has tagged me to answer these questions so I will proceed to do so.

1. What's your weirdest age vs. looks?

I'd have to say Tsunade, because she's like 50 years old and she could pass off for 20.

2. When life gives you lemons...?

I read them...*slowly backs away in shame*

3. What type would you be in OHSHC?

More than likely sisterly.

4. Who would you make stronger: Lucy Heartfilla or Sakura Haruno?

Personally, some of you might hate me for this but I say Lucy. I love Fairy Tail but Lucy kind of annoys me.

5. The Flash vs. Superman?

Superman he had powers; Flash just sort of...runs...

6. Anime or manga?

Anime, because I just like watching them actually move and speak; it also makes certain parts more funny or suspenseful.

7. Naruto vs. Natsu?

It'd be a tie really because they both hate giving up so they'd probably just end up killing each other.

8. Which sixth sense would you have?

To be able to teleport...does that count as a sense? I'm so confused...

9. Nightwing or Robin?


10. Follow the story or OC fanfics?

OC fanfics. 100%! 😄

11. RinHaru or ReiGisa?

I dunno...

12. Pink or Blue?

Purple...but it's not up there so blue

13. Drowning, freezing, or burning to death?

Freezing, because I almost drowned before and the feeling sucks and I been burned easily by lighters so freezing wouldn't affect me...I like the cold.

Ok, I think I'm done now so I have to tag people.








That's it. I'm done torturing you people. Later! 😜

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