85. Ruka vs. Kinase

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Kinase threw her body against the cage as it burst open and she let out a loud, head throbbing roar that left a high pitched ringing in my ears.

I leapt back and activated my Kaneme as Kinase's eleven needle sharp tails swayed behind her and her bright blue and black eyes gleamed dangerously in the dim lighting of the room. Without hesitation, Kinase growled angrily and titled her head upward as strange blue and red ords started to form together to make one large black orb.

"Watch out for her power" I heard Bee's voice in my head "she'll hit you like cold water does in a shower! So here I come to help, just try not to yelp! Okaaaaaay?!"

I remained silent and simply nodded to myself as Kinase finished the giant black orb and opened her mouth before swallowing it. Immediately, her cheeks puffed out largely and she opened her mouth as a giant beam shot out of it and raced towards me. I leapt to the side as one of Bee's octopus tentacles shot out of nowhere and wrapped around Kinase's neck. Kinase growled angrily and struggled against him as I adjusted my grip on my sword and ran towards her while making hand signs.

"Clone Jutsu!"

50 replicas of myself appeared alongside me and I nodded at them as we all charged at Kinase. I focused my Kaneme on Kinase's leg and forced the water in them to wrap around her nerves so she couldn't move. Immediately afterwards, a splitting headache appeared and I was forced to deactivate my Kaneme.

The larger the person/creature is the more difficult it becomes, I'll keep that in mind.


Kinase used one of her tails to wrap around the tentacle and yank it away fom her neck before facing my clones. All my clones infused Chakra into their swords and jumped on Kinase before attacking her in any place possible: her legs, arms, stomach, back, etc. Kinase roared in pain and slammed one of her claws hard into a group of my clones, knocking ten of them out instantly.

"I CAN SEE THE REAL YOU!!!!!" She roared, her eyes focusing on my exact location.

I clenched my teeth in anger and leapt onto Kinase before running towards her head. She smirked evilly and raised her tails into the air before having them all hurl themselves at me. I dodged most of them but one landed dangerously close and gave me a deep cut on my cheek. I winced in pain and infused Chakra into my sword before lunging forward and driving my sword deep into Kinase's left eye, causing a thick, clear substance to spray all over me.

Kinase howled loudly and began jerking around violently as my clones yelped and fell off before disappearing. I drove the sword deeper into her eyes and held on tightly as the cut on my cheek started to sting. The Kaneme must not work on her if she can move around this freely.


Kinase slammed her body hard into the wall and I went tumbling off, along with my sword, as the ceiling above us began to crack and debris hit the ground, hard. I hastily stood back up when Kinase suddenly turned her right eye on me and smacked me hard with her paw, sending me slamming hard into the wall. I coughed up blood and winced as Kinase glared at me furiously and charged.

"Don't take me lightly! Stop messing around and fight me! Fool ya fool!"

Four tentacles burst out of the ground and wrapped around Kinase's legs as she lost her balance and fell hard to the ground, causing the ceiling to crack even more. A large chunk of cement from the ceiling came tumbling towards me so I rolled to the side as it landed in the place I had originally occupied.


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