42. I've missed you

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~Kazami's POV~
<The Next Day>

"I don't trust him, Kazami!"

I sighed deeply and glanced at Hope from the corner of my eyes as we walked towards Konoha. According, to my wolf's tracking senses, we should be there in 45 minutes tops.

"For the 100th time" I repeated "it will be fine!"

"No fuck that" she said crossing her arms "that stupid wannabe duck didn't just let us out because he was 'feeling generous'! Generous my ass! He let us out for a reason!"

I sighed again and shook my head. Geez, this girl gives me more trouble than Ruka! Why is it I always get stuck with the brats, eh?!

Hope continued to rant about Sasuke, calling him various names, as a small smile split across my face.

It's been 8 months Ruka.

I can't wait to see you again...

~Ruka's POV~

I failed to bring Kazami back.

The whole point of the mission was to locate Orochimaru's hideout and retrieve Sasuke; which would also help me to rescue Kazami.

But it didn't quite work out that way...

I chewed the inside of my cheek in anger and held up a Kunai as the bright strands of sunlight from my window bounced off of it and sent iridescent colors gleaming brightly around my room.

Sasuke was right...I'm pathetic.

I growled angrily and sliced the Kunai across my wrist as that familiar crimson blood greeted my line of sight. For some reason, seeing the blood spill out of my wrist calmed me down.


I exhaled deeply and switched wrist as I made a slit on the other one.


Such a comforting feeling; I wish I could just cut every part of my body and lay on the ground as the beautiful crimsom blood oozes around me.

Crimson....it's such a pretty color.

I switched wrist but before I could make the third cut my door banged open and my eyes widened in surprised.

"Hey Ruka" Naruto said, stepping into the room "I came to te-GAH!"

Naruto leapt out of the room just in time as the Kunai I threw at him thunked hard into the wood and I glared at nothing in particular. Naruto hesitantly stood back up and looked around my room before looking at me. It didn't take him long to see the blood all over the floor and my bleeding wrist.

"Ruka!" He exclaimed rushing over and kneeling next to me "who the hell did this?! Just hold on; I'll tend to you!"

Did he just ask me who did this!


I remained silent as Naruto took healing ointment, a towel, and bandages out of his pouch. I watched as Naruto wiped all the blood off of my wrist before rubbing ointment all over the cuts to stop the bleeding and keep it from getting infected. Once he was done doing that, he unraveled the bandages and wrapped one around both my wrist before sighing in relief.

"There" he said frowning slightly "are you okay?"

I bit my bottom lip and didn't reply. What an idiot; he must have thought somebody attacked me.

"I'm fine" I said after a while "now is there a reason you came into my room...without knocking?!"

Naruto blushed in embarrassment; "old lady Tsunade summoned us, she said she has something important to discuss with us."

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