67. Kidnapped

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"Mommy, are you okay?!"

I couldn't get over the shock. My eyes were wide with immediate worry and thousands of horrible thoughts ran through my mind of what could happen to her at this very second.

I should have never taught her Chidori!

She wouldn't have rushed out her so carelessly if I hadn't taught her that stupid Jutsu! So many people in this village have died, so many people are leaving us more and more these days. I just lost my father, I can't afford to lose her too.


Naoki frowned slightly and remained silent as Naruto cursed angrily and tried to forcefully pull himself from the stakes, resulting in him injuring himself even further.

"Don't move a lot daddy" Naoki said softly "you'll just hurt yourself."


"I can't."



Naruto and I gasped in shock and stared at Naoki with wide eyes as tears slowly slipped down her cheeks and pattered on the ground. Naoki wiped the tears away and exhaled deeply before looking at us both and smiling softly.

"I'm sorry for being so disobedient" she said "but I have a perfectly good reason to be. I remembered....what was it....four years ago when you rescued me. I didn't know anyone and I got the motherly love from you that I have always wanted. Then you introduced me to Naruto and I got the fatherly love I had always wanted. I had my own family and I was so happy!"

Naruto tightly bit his bottom lip and held back his tears as my eyes became extremely itchy.

"You two can't die" she continued "I refuse to let you two die until you get married and have lots and lots of children! Who knows, maybe if I'm still alive I could be a Sensei to those children! Or a mentor of some sort!"

Pain slowly picked himself up from the ground and wiped at a bruise on his arm before staring at Naoki. Naoki ignored him and continued to stare at us, a smile across her face.

"I've always wanted to meet this Sasuke Uchiha everyone talks about" she said "If you do manage to bring him back to Konoha, tell him about me daddy, okay?"

Naruto slowly nodded and lowered his head to the ground, trying to hide the tremendous amount of tears streaming down his face.


I looked up at Naoki as she stared at me, her chocolate brown eyes glistening with tears and what looked like happiness.

"I remember when you and daddy use to love each other so much. I remember that day on the Hokage monument when you kissed each other and held so much in your eyes. Now, whenever you look at daddy, all I see is loneliness and anger. I don't want to see that, I want to see you and daddy love each other again. That's my only wish, and if I do die today....I expect you to carry out my wish or else I'll haunt you!"

A small laugh escaped my mouth and I lowered my gaze to the ground. So she remembered that day too, huh? Seems like I wasn't the only one who couldn't let the past go.

"You all intrigue me" Pain said suddenly, wrapping his hand around a black stake "to think a child would interfere with my Sealing Jutsu. You Konoha ninja never fail to surprise me."

Pain's eyes gleamed with hatred and he raised his hand before pointing in Naoki's direction, causing her to gasp in surprise. Naruto already knew what was going to happen so he screamed and yelled and kicked, but to no avail.

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