50. Team Kasai: Scary naked women

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~Kuro's POV~

Hope and I were steadily making our way through the depths of the ominous redwood forest, when a loud scream cut across the silence.

We both gasped and turned towards the direction it had came from as birds, that had been resting peacefully in the treetops, came fluttering out with startled croaks. Hope took a small step in the direction of the scream as a mask of worry spread across her countenance.

"That sounded like Ruka" she said, turning abruptly towards me "we have to go help her."

I nodded and we began running in the direction of the scream as the look of worry never left Hope's face. Hmm, that's strange....I didn't think she would care so much.

"You know" I said "for someone who claims to hate Ruka, you seem very worried about her."

"I'm not worried!" She yelled, her face flushing red "I just....uh, want to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid!"

"Uh-huh, sure" I said as something glittered from the corner of my eye.

"It's true! I could care less about what happens to-"


Hope's eyes widened and I grabbed her before forcing her to the ground as a large blade sailed right over our heads. I hurriedly took out a Kunai and turned towards Hope as she began to pick herself up off the ground.

"Go help Ruka" I yelled, running in the direction the blade had come from "I'll take care of this!"

"KURO?! I DON'T THINK WE SHOULD SPLI-never mind...you're already gone!"

I continued running towards where the blade had come from and heard footsteps running ahead of me; trying their hardest to escape. I picked up my pace and saw a dark figure ahead of me glance behind his shoulder and keep on running. There he is! It must be one of those rouge ninja!

I ran even faster so I was just inches behind him and threw my Kunai. He easily dodged it and I reached my hand out to grab him when he said the last thing I was expecting.

"Welcome to Hell."


Before I could ponder on that statement, I felt something reach out and grab my ankle, causing me to fall in a small lake. Wait, a lake? I hurriedly climbed out of the cold water and looked around only to realize I was in some sort of large clearing that had a lake in it. What the fuck....I was chasing that rouge ninja through the trees not only 10 seconds ago, and now I'm at a lake?!

"Damn it" I said angrily, flopping to the grass and staring at the sky, trying to catch my breath.


I sat back up and took a Kunai out as I looked in front of my to see a naked woman of about 16 or 17. She had short brown hair and pretty crimson eyes that were staring at me in amusement. Well, I lost the rouge ninja in the trees and found a naked girl in a lake. I grinned and put my Kunai away as she continued to stare at me.

"H-Hey" I said, trying not to stare at her naked figure "do you have a name?"


"That's a cute giggle" I said "but do you have a name?"


I sighed deeply and took off my shirt before handing it to her. She stared at me confused and sniffed the shirt in my hand.

"You....put this....on" I said slowly, doing actions to make sure she understood "you're naked....so you....wear my....shirt!"


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