62. Training: Kekkei Genkai, history of the Kiyomizu clan!

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========Two days later========

I slowly opened my groggy eyes and looked around. I was in my room, having just woke up, but I wasn't alone.

"Wake up mommy!"

"Wake up sis."

I yawned deeply and rubbed my eyes to rid the sleep from them. I then began to take in my surroundings only to see Naoki standing by my bed, Ryuku right alongside her.

"What do you guys want" I asked, stretching out my stiff bones.

"It's my turn to train you" Ryuku said, smiling "since Kakashi taught you how to improve your Chidori and Kazami taught you how to merge your body with wolves, it's my turn."

"Oh" I said, shocked "that makes sense.....but why is Naoki here?"

"I want you to teach me Chidori, mommy!" She exclaimed, jumping on the bed "daddy taught Konohamaru the Rasengan and there's no way I'll lose to him! So please teach me Chidori!"

She bowed her head down and clenched the blanket tightly in her fist as I smiled slightly. So Konohamaru and Naoki are rivals, huh? It remains me of Sasuke and Naruto when they were younger.

"Fine" I said as Naoki looked up at me with wide eyes "but in return I expect you to beat Konohamaru....got it?"

Naoki's ears perked up in excitement and she smiled brightly, causing her tail to swish back and forth.



After I had done my morning routine and eaten breakfast, the three of us were outside in the forest so Ryuku could teach me whatever it is he had planned.

"So" I began "what did you want to....?"


Before I could finish my sentence, I felt a painful tightening sensation in my legs and I suddenly fell to the ground. I winced slightly in pain and tried to get up but I had no control of my legs whatsoever. I looked up at Ryuku and noticed his eyes had turned completely golden with a strange symbol in the middle of them. The symbol suddenly vanished and his eyes returned to normal, as did the feeling in my legs.

"What the hell was that?!" I demanded, standing up.

"Kaneme" Ryuku explained "it's a rare Kekkei Genkai of the Kiyomizu clan. Not many know about it, the only people who knew were the Uchiha clan and the Hyūga clan. However, the Uchiha clan is dead and not many Hyūga know of this."

"Do Neji and Hinata know" I asked curiously.

"Neji does, but Hinata does not. That surprised me, seeing as she is a member of the higher branch of the Hyūga clan."

Confusion swirled around me as Naoki stared at Ryuku with fascinated eyes and began asking questions about it. A rare Kekkei Genkai that only the Hyūga and Uchiha knew about.

"Ryuku" I said slowly as he glanced at me "what....what happened to the Kiyomizu clan? How did they die?"

Ryuku exhaled deeply and rubbed the back of his neck, a look of sadness flashing across his face.

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