5. Saving Kankuro

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~At the Sand village~

Sakura was steadily thinking of ways to heal Kankuro as we all stood by him; frowning heavily.

Temari had ended up joining us as we traveled to the Sand village and we explained to her what the situation with Gaara was. Needless to say, she was devastated and wanted to get to the village as soon as possible.

However, once we arrived at the Sand village it was a reck and Kankuro had been poisoned by an Akatsuki member while trying to chase after Gaara. Kakashi Sensei left to go question people around the village as Sakura tried to heal Kankuro to the best of her abilities; some old lady named Chiyo helped her out.

"This isn't fair" Naruto muttered as I glanced over at him "Gaara never did anything to anybody! He's a good person! All he wants to do is help people; what's wrong with that?!"

"There's nothing wrong with that" I replied exhaling deeply "but you have to face reality Naruto. Life isn't fair; the only thing we can do it trust one another and fight to protect the people we care about."

Naruto frowned but nodded his head in understanding as the door slid open. We all turned as Kakashi Sensei walked back into the room silently.

"I'm back" he announced "so I was talking to the villagers and..."


We all turned surprised as Chiyo ran towards Kakashi Sensei with a Kunai out. My eyes widened and I raced forward before grabbing her wrist and smacking the Kunai out of her grasp.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I said angrily as she struggled to get free.

"Ruka" Kakashi Sensei lying his hand on my shoulder as he sweat dropped "no need to be so harsh..."

I blushed in embarrassment and let go of the lady's wrist as she stared at me in shock.

"S-Sorry" I mumbled returning back over to Naruto who was snickering.

"That's not white fang sister" an elderly man said walking over to her "can't you look at him and tell?"

Chiyo stood completely still and stared as Kakashi for a long time before slowly nodding.

"You're right" she said simply "my apologies."

"It's okay" he said chuckling "I do resemble my father after all."

I have a grandfather called White Fang? Is that the one that...

An image of that same man that used to beat me so long ago flashed through my mind and I frowned slightly as Naruto glanced at me quickly then looked away. No...t-that couldn't have been White Fang. That man probably wasn't even related to me; I'm just glad he didn't do anything other then beat me.

"Got it!"

I looked up and saw Sakura slowly extracting a thick, purple liquid from Kankuro's chest as Temari held him down and he groaned in pain. Sakura finished extracting the liquid from Kankuro's chest as he stopped moving and began panting heavily.

"You did it!" The doctor said in disbelief "his heart rate is returning to normal!"

Sakura sighed in relief as Temari smiled and leaned closer to Kankuro; hugging him tightly.

"Alright!" Naruto said happily "you did it Sakura-chan!"

Sakura ignored him and began putting a peach colored liquid in four vials as she handed one to a surprised Temari.

"I extracted as much poison as I could" she explained putting the other three in her weapons pouch "however if he starts to feel pain again, give him this antidote and he'll feel better in no time."

Temari nodded and tightly gripped the vial; "thank you so much Sakura!"

Sakura smiled and turned back towards us; exhaling deeply in what was either relief or stress.

"Now that that's over" Naruto said firmly "we can go save Gaara!"

I turned towards him and shook my head in disbelief. Baka...

"You're so inconsiderate" I said glaring at him "we want to save Gaara as quickly as possible but Sakura is exhausted from healing Kankuro. We're going to have to spend the night."

"SPEND THE NIGHT?!" He yelled in disbelief "WE CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG!"

"I'm afraid she's right Naruto" Kakashi Sensei said walking over to us "against the Akatsuki; we're going to need everyone at their full strength. Especially, Ruka and Sakura."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion but I remained quiet. Why me? Why do I need to be at full strength? Tsunade told me to just stay in the background and be...safe...I hate that fucking word! Naruto clenched his hands tightly in fist and nodded reluctantly. Sakura sighed in relief and her eyelids fluttered slightly as she slumped against me.

"Geez" I said supporting her weight "don't pass out on me baka!"

She chuckled weakly and nodded but made no intentions to stop leaning on me. She must have used to much Chakra.

"Alright then" Kakashi Sensei said "follow me."

We all nodded, and I supported Sakura, as we walked out of the hospital to go find a place to sleep.

Me: Hey guys! That's the end of chapter.5 (finally) and I hope you enjoyed it because I feel like I did crap! ^~^! Don't worry thought chapter.6 will be better.

Naruto: Author-chan?

Me: Yes?

Naruto: Ruka and I were talking and well...what's an orgasm? Because she said that it's something you give to someone you like so I'm thinking of giving her an orgasm!

Me: *Remains quiet*

Ruka: *Snickers in corner*

Naruto: Author-chan?

Me: Go...go home Naruto...just go....

Naruto: But-

Me: Go home...

Sakura: Story_of_Fate13 doesn't own Naruto

Me: Later guys...Naruto...please go home...

Naruto: *Sadly* Why...? Is it because I'm not giving you an orgasm? I'll give you one!

Me: NO!

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