15. Close to you again

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After we left the hot springs, we did nothing but walk for a long time towards the Tenchi bridge.

Thankfully, I didn't get tired along the way but the walk was boring nonetheless. Naruto glared at Sai the whole time and refused to speak. Sakura stared at the ground, lost in her own thoughts. Lastly, Yamoto was just walking and we followed him.

It was more than obvious that Sakura was thinking about Sasuke.

Even thought she pretends she could care less about what happens to him; I know she still loves him. She still cares and it's obvious.

I exhaled deeply and ran my hand through my silver hair as it straightened out. I felt someone standing next to me and I glanced over to see Naruto. I rolled my eyes in annoyance at how close he was but decided not to acknowledge it.

Maybe if I don't say anything, he'll go away.

Much to my luck he didn't say anything; he just stood next to me for reasons unknown. I found myself staring at him for a long time; getting lost in taking in all his features. He was simply walking, the wind blowing slightly at his hair, the sunlight making his sapphire blue eyes light up. He had two necklaces around his neck that I couldn't see because he had tucked them and his jacket was zipped up.

I knew one of the necklaces was the diamond Tsunade gave him, but I didn't know what the other one was. I leaned forward slightly, to try to see if I could make out the other necklace, when he suddenly turned his head towards me and stared at me confused.

"What's wrong" he asked smiling.

I flushed deep red and angrily turned away from him; putting some distance between us.

"N-Nothing's wrong!" I said; scolding myself for stuttering and being caught staring so long.

Naruto smiled again and turned his head away; falling silent again.

I'm still curious as to what that other necklace is. Of course I'm not going to ask him! But...it makes me curious.


After walking for about 2 more hours; we were close to the Tenchi bridge, so Yamoto made a giant house made completely out of wood and we decided to spend the night there.

Now, we all sat in a circle around a small candle and talked about our plan for tomorrow. I completely zoned out when Yamoto began talking about some simulation crap to act out what might happen while we're at the bridge.

After a while, I zoned back in and watched as Yamoto made a guitar using his wood Jutsu and held it up.

"Now that we're done talking business let's relax" he said "does anyone know how to play guitar?"

Sakura and Naruto turned towards me as I remained completely still. Over the years, due to Ryuku begging me to learn, I know how to play piano, guitar, flute, and some other things I have no intention of remembering.

"I don't know how to play" I lied shrugging "don't look at me."

Everyone sighed in disappointment and Yamoto leaned the guitar against the wall.

"I guess it's bedtime then" he announced.

Everyone sighed in unison and climbed into beds Yamoto had made out of wood along with blankets pillows, and a mattress.

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