39. I'll protect you

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"Why do I have to go with him?"

We had managed to successfully free Hinata from that crystal without killing her, and she told us she did it by lowering her Chakra level before being captured. Deciding to give her some time to heal, we left Hinata behind with Sakura since the crystal in my body couldn't be healed by just any healing Jutsu. Kakashi Sensei and the others were thinking about leaving me behind, but in the end I convinced them to let me go. When we arrived to our destination where the enemies were located we started hearing strange roaring from the lake so Yamoto wanted Naruto and I to go investigate.

"Because I said so" Yamoto said strictly "and if Naruto does something stupid you can keep him in check."

"Shouldn't that be the other way around" I asked as Naruto sweat dropped in disappointment "I have to take care of this idiot and my blood is turning into crystal....how ironic."

Yamoto stared at me for a long time with that emotionless expression on his face and I finally gave in and agreed to the plan. Naruto and I stood up but before we could hop off I felt something heavy in my left arm and sat back down.

"What's wrong" Kakashi Sensei asked as everyone immediately crowded around me.


Kakashi Sensei sighed deeply then grabbed my left arm as he took out a Kunai.

"Hey" I said alarmed "what the hell are you doing?!"

He didn't reply and I watched in disbelief as he lightly sliced the Kunai across my arm. I waited for the blood to come but I was surprised when it never did. Kakashi Sensei lifted my arm to his face and examined it closely.

"Just as I thought" he said, letting go of my arm "your left arm from the elbow down is filled with crystal."

Everyone gasped in surprise and I pressed on my arm only to be met with a hard resistance that felt similar to rock.

Well, that's not good...

"Don't" Kakashi Sensei said suddenly, turning towards Naruto "I know you're concerned for her safety but making a fuss won't help her in the slightest. Now, the both of you need to head to the lake."

I turned towards Naruto and saw his face was flushed red with anger and his hands were clenched tightly into fist. I stood up and ignored the increased weight in my arm as we both glanced at each other then hopped off towards the lake.

Well, besides the fact that I'm turning into a giant human crystal, I'd say we're doing pretty good at the moment. We landed on top of the lake and Naruto used his summoning Jutsu as Gamatatsu and another toad appeared.

"Hello Naruto" Gamatatsu said as Naruto climbed on top of him "who's the pretty girl with you?! Introduce me!"

"That's Ruka" Naruto replied simply as I climbed on top of the other toad.

"Hi" the toad I was on said "my name is Gamakichi. That idiot over there is my brother, Gamatatsu, and our father is the great chief toad Gamabunta."

"I've met him before" I said surprised, recalling about four years back when Pervy Sage had kicked me down that cliff and Naruto summoned Gamabunta to save me.

"Is that right" Gamakichi said, as they started to take us towards the direction the roaring had came from "I don't think Naruto ever bothered to tell me that."

Naruto sweat dropped and I grinned slightly as I touched my left arm again; I have to find some way to get this damn poison out of me. It doesn't seem to be spreading that quickly so it should be fine for now.

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