19. A permanent reminder

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As I sat there, continuing to tend to any wounds Sakura had, I found myself thinking about what Naruto had done earlier that caused me to beat him up.

~Some hours earlier~

When I opened my eyes, that familiar warmness was around me and I knew I had fallen asleep in his arms again. I exhaled deeply and rolled my eyes; I really need to stop letting him get me in these kinds of situations.

I carefully looked around to make sure everyone was still asleep, and once I was 100% sure, I snuggled closer to him.

The feeling of safeness and warmth he was emitting was one I wanted to take advantage of for as long as possible. I watched in slightly amusement as he chest slowly rose and fell with each breath he took. Just for fun, I blew lightly on his nose and it twitched slightly as he chuckled in his sleep.

He's so cute...just like a kid.

I immediately scolded myself for allowing those kinds of thoughts and shook my head.

What's gotten into me lately?

Naruto shifted slightly and I watched as his eyes slowly opened and looked around carefully. Once he had full grasp of his surroundings, his gaze fell on me and he smiled softly. I felt my cheeks heat up and I turned my gaze away from him.

"About time you woke up" I said emotionlessly "we don't have time for you to be sleeping all day, ya know."

Naruto chuckled and said "I'm sorry for waking up so late. Do you want me to wake everyone else up?"

"No" I said a little to quickly "j-just stay here! We don't need to wake them up yet."

Naruto smiled again and nodded before pulling me closer to him; causing my face to heat up and my heart to pound loudly in my chest.

"How'd you sleep" he asked after a while.

"Horrible" I lied.

In all actuality, it was one of the best sleeps I had in weeks...scratch that...months.


"Yes, it's hard to sleep when you have someone else all in your personal space."

"Oh really, you weren't saying that when you were snuggling all in my personal space last night."

My whole face turned red and I glared at him angrily as he innocently smiled.

"AS IF!" I yelled angrily.

He hushed me and I quickly looked around at everyone else; not realizing I had yelled that loudly.

Despite that fact, they were all still sound asleep. Naruto and I both let out sighs of relief and I quickly glared at him again.

"Don't push your luck, baka" I said gritting my teeth.

Naruto thought for a moment then sat up and laid on top of me. I blushed deep red and tried to push him off, but he placed his hands on my wrist; pinning me to the bed.

"W-What the hell are you doing Uzamaki?!" I said angrily, my voice coming out quiet and feeble.

"Seeing how far I can push my luck."

Before I could react, he leaned down and his lips met mine.

My eyes widened and at first I didn't react. Then, as if I was on autopilot, I gave in and kissed him back as my eyes closed. He gently leaned closer to  me so as to deepen the kiss and I felt his tongue gently lick my bottom lip. I didn't deny him and his tongue explored every aspect of my mouth as a moan of pleasure escaped me.

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