88. Descendants

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The man looked down at me in amusement and held out his hand for me.

I accepted the kind gesture and grabbed his hand as he hoisted me to my feet. I let go of his hand and dusted myself off before crossing my arms over my chest and staring at the man in front of me. He did resemble Naruto in a lot of ways, or rather, Naruto resembled him in lots of ways. I had good reason to assume this man was Naruto's father.

"As you probably have already guessed" he said "I am indeed Naruto's father. My name is Minato Namizake, and it's a honor to meet you Ruka."

"Why the honor" I asked curiously "if anything I should be the one honored to meet you."

"Well then I suppose we're both honored to meet each other" he replied with a soft smile "I was the one who become known as Fourth Hokage to Konoha and stop the Nine Tails from destroying the village. You, however, are a princess to a honorable clan that endured a merciless massacre, and you are the first girl my son truly fell in love with. That's what makes it an honor to meet you."

I blushed slightly and did a awkward smile while rubbing the back of my neck with my hand.

"W-Well, I never asked him to do that!" I said hastily "he just started liking me on his own!"

"Regardless" Minato said "I'm glad to be able to see you face to face. Naruto can be pretty dense at times and very stubborn, so him falling in love was bound to be a once in a lifetime thing."

"He was in love with Sakura at one point" I reminded him.

"Oh....you mean the pink haired one?"


"Let's not talk about her right now."

I sweatdropped and stared at Minato as he chukled nervously and waved his hand back in forth in the air, as though trying to rid the fact that her name was even brought up. If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say Minato isn't all that fond of Sakura.

"Ok" he said in a more serious tone "let's talk about the real reason I'm here. Luckily, I was able to get you out of that place before Kinase could take all of your Chakra."

"So she was taking my Chakra!" I exclaimed, my eyebrows furrowed "how did she even send me to that place, and was all that I saw an illusion?"

"Yes" Minato replied "what you were seeing was not real. You were seeing the ideal 'Perfect World' that you longed for as a child before you met Naruto. The world you saw not to long ago is referred to as the Forbidden World."

"Forbidden World" I asked in confusion "I heard my mom say that term once, but when exactly was it declared as the Forbidden World?"

"I don't know if you've learned much about him" Minato began "but are you at all familiar with the Second Hokage, Tobirama Kiyomizu Senju?"

"Yeah" I said simply "in the academy I learned that he was the one who.....wait.....did you say......KIYOMIZU?!?!"

"Yeah, didn't your mother ever tell you that?"




"Well" he said, sitting crisscross on the ground "I have quite the story to tell you. Take a seat."

I sat down in front of Minato and crossed my arms as he exhaled deeply and began to speak.

"Tobirama wasn't fully considered a member of the Kiyomizu clan" he began "his father, Butsuma Senji, felt he should uphold the Senju name and keep honor to it....so he did. The Second Hokage is your great grandfather, and father to your grandmother who was originally the Jinchūriki of the Eleven Tailed Fox, Kinase."

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