61. Training: Half-wolf

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"That's not fair!"

"My word is final on the matter!" Tsunade said, crossing her arms "that Jutsu is forbidden!"




Kazami giggled to herself and sipped at her green tea, adjusting the bandage around her left eye every now and then. After I had fell unconscious, Kazami had taken me to the hospital while Kakashi Sensei and Ryuku looked around to try and find out what had happened. Tsunade had told me that as a result of that golden Chidori I made my arm had broken, similar to the time Naruto had used his Rasen-Shuriken and broken his left arm. So Tsunade had declared my Chidori a forbidden Jutsu.


I made to argue some more but Kazami stood up from her seat, using her crutches, and walked next to Tsunade.

"Look" she said, placing a hand on her shoulder "Ruka won't do the Jutsu anymore. I'll make sure of it myself."

I stared at Kazami in disbelief as Tsunade let out a sigh of relief and left the room. Kazami turned towards me and was met with an angry glare.

"I know you're mad" she said "but this is for the best."

"No it's not!" I exclaimed, sitting up in bed "this is bullshit!"

"Your arm is broken and your body is sore" Kazami said "in your condition I think it's best if you don't do anymore Chidori's for a while."

"I'm going to master this new Jutsu with or without your help, Kazami!!"

Kazami glared at me and I glared back at her. We continued to glare at each other for quite a while, a unspoken argument taking place between us. Finally, Kazami let out a grunt of frustration and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Why are you so stubborn?!" She said, placing her hands on her hips.

"What can I say....I get it from my Sensei!"

=======The Next Day=======

"Ok" Kazami said "thanks to Kinase, your body is fully healed, but we have a lot of training that needs to be done."

I nodded in understanding and sat on the ground as Kazami summoned Kenshin. Kenshin glared at me then sighed deeply and sprinted over before climbing on my shoulder and sitting there.

"Ok" Kazami said "now, since you've somewhat mastered your Chidori like Kakashi wanted, we're gonna back to my training. I want you to merge with Kenshin."

"You mean, like....merge our Chakra?"

"No, merge your bodies."

I blinked in surprise and stared at Kazami for a long time. Her face looks serious so I can't tell if she's being sarcastic or not; I really hope she is.

"You're being sarcastic....right?" I asked.

"No" she said, frowning "I'm serious. You're going to merge your body with Kenshin's."

Kenshin groaned in disapproval and lowered his tail as my eyes widened in shock and anger. Me.....merge with Kenshin?! What the hell would that even look like?!

"I perfer staying human" I said, gulping nervously.

"TOO BAD!" Kazami yelled, throwing a Kunai at me "IF YOU MESS UP THEN YOU'LL STAY A WOLF FOREVER!"

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