87. Familiar face

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"Why aren't you eating?"

"Not hungry."

"At least eat some chips or something."


Adam frowned and stared at me for a long time as I crossed my arms over my chest and refused to look at him under any circumstances. I have to get out of this place as soon as possible, I feel like I'm going crazy by being in here! Besides, Kinase is probably absorbing my Chakra as we speak and if she takes it all I'm done for. I sighed deeply in frustration and looked around frantically to see if I could find mini Naruto anywhere.....no such luck. I figured he wouldn't come while there was so many people around.

I heard a loud thud and I looked to see a girl had sat in front of me and was smiling while starting to eat some of the things off of her lunch tray. My eye twitched in annoyance and I stared at the girl in confusion as Adam glared angrily and refused to speak to her.

"Hi Ruka!" The girl said cheerfully.

"Who are you" I asked coldly.

The girl looked rather shocked as she blinked and quickly shook her head as though trying to convince herself of something.

"It's me, Jennifer!" She said in disbelief "don't tell me you're still mad about what happened?!"

I blinked.

What the hell is this girl talking about? Maybe she did something really bitchy and got on my bad side so now she's trying to make up for it. That would explain why Adam glared at her so angrily not to long ago; if that's the case, since I have nothing else beter to do I guess I'll just play along!

It could be fun!

Besides, if he tries to start a fight it will be fun to pound her face in so I can let out my current frustration of being stuck here in the first place.

"Don't try and act all buddy with me!" I said angrily, already enjoying this "I'll never forgive you for what you did!"

I don't even know what she did.....

Jennifer smirked, her niceness suddenly gone, and flipped her long black hair behind her shoulders.

"Jake never liked you to begin with!" She snarled "it was only natural we would end up together! He likes girls like me who will always provide for his needs!"


I know what happened! Apparently, I had a boyfriend named Jake and she must have been messing around with him while we were still dating. I'm kind of glad me and this Jake guy aren't together, I'd feel like I was cheating on Naruto if we were.

"I don't give a damn about that!" I continued "you're just a whore and the whole school knows it!"

Jennifer glared at me in anger as Adam put his hand over his mouth to contain his laughter. He wasn't doing a good job at it though because I could hear him chuckle every now and then. Jennifer then stood up, slamming her fist on the table, and gritted her teeth together.


High school is great.....

I stood up and smirked before placing on hand on my hip and placing the other on the table so I could lean on it.

"I wasn't the one who started it, but I'll gladly finish it" I replied.

By then, almost half of the cafeteria were watching us and I saw some people exchanging money and someone pulled out their phone as a bright flash went off.

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