18. Far from a simulation

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I knelt behind the rock next to Naruto, refusing to speak to him or let him touch me, as I watched Yamoto walk towards the bridge in his disguise.

This morning we had all gather our things together as Yamoto asked Sakura to describe Sasori's outfit to her in detailed sentences.

After about an hour or so, Yamoto had managed to disguise into Sasori, his voice and outfit were perfect, and we were ready to go.

I stared down at the scene below, sighing deeply, as Naruto winced every know and then. I made sure he learned his lesson for what he did earlier; when it came to speaking or even looking at me, he was not at all keen to do so.

I don't want to talk about what happened.

Yamoto stepped onto the bridge and we both leaned forward, anxiously, as another cloaked person from the other side of the bridge appeared, and started walking towards him.

My hand was resting on the hilt of my sword; waiting for when Yamoto gave the signal. If anything, my anxiety was pointed towards the other cloaked person walking towards Yamoto...well...Sasori in this case. Who could that be?

The two stopped next to each other and they exchanged a few words that I couldn't hear. The person took his hood off and Naruto and I both gasped in surprise to see Kabuto. Naruto growled angrily as his eyes turned red, and anger engulfed me.

I remember that asshole.

I remember kicking his ass in the preliminary exams and relishing the moment. That is until Naruto stopped me. I placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder and he looked over at me as his eyes flashed blue. I have to get him to calm down.

I've learned the hard way that bad things happen when his eyes turn red...

"You have to calm down" I said softly.

He sighed in defeat and nodded as we both turned back towards the bridge. Yamoto and Kabuto continued talking and it seemed his disguise was working good.

Naruto was calm now and simply staring at the scene below; I wonder how Sakura is holding up? I hope Sai isn't giving her a hard time.

Kabuto suddenly held out his hand, like he was asking for something, and Yamoto hesitated. I don't think Sasori told Sakura that he had to give something to Kabuto; if not then this just got a whole lot more difficult.

Suddenly, Yamoto pulled a out a Kunai and leapt back as Kabuto put that familiar blue glow on his hands and did the same. I looked closer to see why and when I did, my heart dropped into my stomach...


There he was.

Standing there with an all to familiar smirk on his face and staring at Kabuto. I started shaking slightly as Naruto grew furious and I knew I wouldn't be able to calm him down this time.

He was the last person I was expecting to see...seeing him again made me feel an emotion I haven't felt in a long time.


Kabuto suddenly smirked and turned around before destroying Yamoto's disguise. Forcing him to leap out and reveal his true self. I was to shocked to fully comprehend the danger of the situation. Everything is happening so fast and it doesn't help that Naruto keeps growling and red Chakra is swirling around him. Orochimaru said something to Kabuto, then to Yamoto and seconds later, Yamoto gave the signal.

Releasing all my emotions, I exhaled deeply and jumped out onto the bridge beside Naruto and Sakura, my sword out and ready.

Orochimaru smirked and licked his lips as he stared at us.

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