8. The chase

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"Ruka...! Let's play a game!"



"Because I said no."

"But I'm bored!"

I got an irk mark on my forehead and stared at Naruto as he looked at me pleadingly. He had been bothering me for the past 10 minutes to play a game with him.

"What kind of game is it" I asked suspiciously squinting my eyes.

He frowned and thought for a moment before snapping his fingers.

"Hide and Seek!"



I ignored him and sighed deeply as I thought about Ryuku.

I don't know why I thought of Ryuku; he just came to mind at the moment. Man, do I miss him! It feels so good to have a brother; if feels good to have family in general.

I wish Naruto could feel the same way I do.

Sometimes, I feel like the only person that he holds close to his heart is...


"What" I snapped turning my head towards him.

If there's one pet peeve I have, it's being interrupted while I'm thinking. I fucking hate that!

"Why are you so mean to me" he asked sadly "we use to be great friends when we were smaller! Remember? You were shy all the time and always stuttered but you were my best friend; I really cared about you!"

I flushed slightly and tsked as I thought of something to make the redness in my cheeks go away.

"A lot changes in three years" I muttered, but I knew he heard me.

Before he could reply, there was a beeping sound and Kakashi Sensei began speaking into his headset.

"What's that?" Kakashi Sensei said into his headset as we all stared at him "alright. Start counting down from 3."

Kakashi Sensei clicked his headset off and turned towards me; giving me a slight nod. I exhaled deeply and without hesitation, ripped the tag off an threw it into the water.

"Here I come!" Sakura exclaimed running towards the boulder with her fist clenched.

I hurriedly leapt off of the boulder as Sakura slammed her fist into it and the ground began shaking. I gracefully landed next to Naruto and turned around just in time to see the boulder shatter into hundreds of tiny pieces like it was made of glass.

Damn...that girl can punch!

"Alright!" Naruto said sprinting forward "let's go!"

Having no other choice, we raced after him as we entered the dark depths of the hideout. As we entered we looked around but our eyes hadn't yet adjusted to the darkness yet. There was a eerie and malicious feel about the cave and I shuddered involuntarily.

"You okay" Naruto whispered quietly nudging my shoulder gently.

I glared at him but nodded all the same.

"Why hello!" A cheerful and unfamiliar voice said as we all turned towards it "glad you could all join the party!"

I squinted my eyes and they finally adjusted enough for me to see a man with long blonde hair and blue eyes sitting on something, and there was a man next to him that was completely covered up except for his eyes. They were both wearing long black cloaks with red clouds on them and I immediately knew they were from the Akatsuki; like Itachi.

You are the only one....                       ×Book 2×Where stories live. Discover now