80. I love you

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"Wake up Ruka" I heard a voice say" it's breakfast time."


I don't want breakfast, I want sleep. Beautiful, relaxing sleep.

"Ruka" I heard the voice repeat "you gotta get up or else Yamoto will give us another one of his lectures."

Yamoto's lectures can last for hours.....

Ok! I'm up!

I was pulled from my peaceful sleep as my eyes fluttered open, revealing Naruto who was staring at me, his sapphire blue eyes making me blush slightly. I looked away from him and examined my surroundings to see that I was in his room; not my own.

When did I get in here?

I definitely don't remember.

I sighed deeply and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and letting out a loud, refreshing yawn. Naruto smiled slightly and stared at me as I glanced at him and frowned slightly.

"What the hell are you staring at?"

"Nothing" he said hastily, looking away "I'm just glad you're my girlfriend now.....that's all."

My eyes widened slightly and I grabbed Naruto by his collar causing him to yelp slightly and stare at me in disbelief.

"Look here Uzamaki!" I said firmly "I'm just gonna tell you this and only this: I love you! So if you fuck this up again there will be no third chance we will be officially over! GOT IT?!"

Naruto stared at me for a long time then a large smile spread across his face much to my surprise. I'm trying to look and sound threatening so why the hell is he smiling?! He should be shaking in fear!

"What are you smiling for?!" I demanded, shaking him slightly.

"You said it....."

I stared at him confused then finally realized that I had in fact just said: I love you. My whole face turned red in embarrassment and I quickly let go of his collar before leaping off of the bed and crossing my arms.

"D-Don't act so surprised!" I exclaimed, trying to play it off "we are dating after all so it's o-only natural for me to say things like that!"

"Then say it again."


"Say. It. Again."

I'm pretty sure my face had reached its maximum blush amount because I felt like someone had held a match to it and set it ablaze. Why the hell does he want me to say it again; I already said it once! Being in a relationship is so hard! How did I do this when I was younger?!

Naruto waited patiently for me to speak as I gulped nervously and clenched my hands tightly into fist. Come on Ruka, it's just three little words! You can do this!

Your mom did not raise a little bitch.....SAY IT!

"I-I-I....." I began.

I'm stuttering.......FUCK!


With that, I stormed out of the room and ran to the comfort of my own. Once I was there a heavy sigh of relief escaped my lips and my blush slowly started to go away. I'm such a bitch; I was scared to say I love you! This just isn't something I'm quite use to yet.

I shook my head angrily to clear my thoughts and went to the bathroom before doing my daily routine.

1. Brush my teeth
2. Wash my face
3. Take a shower
4. Get dressed

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