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"So are you new to Konoha or something?"

"Why do you say that" Kazami asked curiously.

"I only ask because I've never seen you around here before" I replied shrugging "this is the first time I've ever seen you around the village."

"Oh" she said "well I guess you can say that. I'm a lone wolf, I prefer traveling on my own compared to sitting in one spot all the time."

"I have a friend named Kuro that's like that" I said eagerly "he use to be like that anway...he finally settled down and got a home in Konoha."


Kazami remained silent after that and I pouted. She's been so quiet today and I don't know why. Maybe I should try to break the awkward silence and ask her some questions.

"So" I began slowly as she glanced at me "what rank are you? Jonin? ANBU?"

"I don't like talking about it."

So much for that.

I exhaled deeply in frustration and glanced at her from the corner of my eye. She was staring straight ahead at nothing, but every now and then she would frown sadly and stare at the ground.

"What's wrong Kazami" I said turning towards her "I've never seen you look this sad before."

She sighed and looked up at me before smiling gently and ruffling my hair.

"You remind me of my daughter" she said as my eyes widened in shock "today was her birthday."

"I didn't know you had a daughter!" I said happily, not realizing she had spoken in past tense "tell her I said..."

"My daughters dead, Ruka."


My eyes snapped open and a yawn escaped me as the sunlight from outside gleamed brightly and full of life; accompanied by the gentle chirping of the birds from outside. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked around my room...well...the room I was sleeping in for the time being.

"Day 2" I muttered to myself as I walked over to the bathroom and did my usual routine.

As I was finished getting dressed after my routine, I thought of Naruto and wondered what he was doing right now. Knowing him, he's probably arguing with someone.

~Naruto's POV~




~Ruka's POV~

Yeah, he probably is.

I rolled my eyes and slipped on my shoes as I left the room. I know Temari said trying to help Gaara with his work is usless, but I at least have to try. Gaara shouldn't have to do all that work by himself. I arrived at his office and knocked on the door as I patiently waited for his voice telling me to come in. When I didn't get a reply, I knocked again and waited. Still no reply.

I opened the door and looked inside only to realize he wasn't even in there.

Huffing impatiently, I closed the door and started walking in a random direction. Maybe he's in his room; I stopped in front of the first door I saw and knocked on it.

"Coming" a masculine voice replied.

This must be him!

I smiled to myself then stopped as the door opened and Kankuro answered...with no shirt on.

My face turned bright red and Kankuro awkwardly looked around as I realized he didn't have any of that purple make up on his face.

"KANKURO!" I yelled, covering my eyes "DON'T ANSWER THE DOOR WITH NO SHIRT ON!"

"S-Sorry" he muttered as I heard the door close.

I uncovered my eyes and sighed deeply as I thought of something to make the redness in my face go away. Sheesh, stupid Kankuro...doesn't he know Temari and I don't want to see that?! The door opened again and Kankuro stood there with his clothes on, and he had somehow managed to hurriedly put his purple make up on. He awkwardly scratched the back of his head and I glared at him.

"Where's Gaara's room" I demanded.

"Two doors down" Kankuro said as he grabbed something off his dresser "and take this in case he's not in there. He always locks the door whether he's in there or not."

Kankuro plopped a key in my hand and I looked up at him suspiciously.

"Why do you have a key to Gaara's room?"

"Temari has one too!" He said embarrassed, blushing "it's not just me!"

I giggled and thanked him as I walked off to Gaara's room. Alright, after that slight...distraction...I can continue on to my main objective. He's probably sleeping though, if so I'll leave him be and maybe try to do his work for him. I'm sure he'd like that. I arrived at the room and decided to knock first.

"Gaara" I said softly as I knocked again "it's Ruka."

No answer.

This again, huh?

I rolled my eyes and inserted the key in the lock as I unlocked the door and stepped into the room. I closed the door behind me and looked around but he wasn't anywhere in sight.

Just my luck...

I sighed deeply but instead of leaving I decided to explore a little bit. Know that I think about it, that was the worst idea ever but I was young and stupid.

I looked around curiously, observing every little trinket in his room, as I stopped in front of a door. Before I could move, the door suddenly opened and a wave of steam came out as something bumped into me. I yelped and began to fall but someone caught me and I looked up in surprise only to see Gaara...with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

My whole face turned deep red and Gaara stared at me for a long time as I remained as motionless as a rock. Finally, I screamed and pushed Gaara away as I ran away from him and towards what I thought was Temari's room. I banged on her door furiously and it opened only to reveal Kankuro...with no shirt on...AGAIN!

I screamed once again and went over Temari's room as I opened the door without knocking. I slammed the door shut behind me and looked up to see Temari come out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around her body.

"Oh" she exclaimed when she saw me "what are you doing here?"

Me: Hey guys! That's the end of chapter. 27! I hope you enjoyed it!

Ruka: So many unclothed people...

Me: *Pats her head* There, there

Kankuro: She just couldn't resist this sexy body so she came back for more

Temari: I don't think that's the reason why

Kankuro: Might be

Gaara: I have to admit this was an unexpected occurance

Ruka: Story_of_Fate13 doesn't own Naruto

Me: Later guys!

You are the only one....                       ×Book 2×Where stories live. Discover now