60: Training: The perfect Chidori

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Hidan was extremely unhappy with me.

I did knock one of the blades off of his scythe so I expected as much, but I too was very unhappy at the moment. Just when I had started to consider Hope a friend, she brought this guy back to life....who does that?!?!

Hidan continued to furiously attack me with his scythe and it was starting to get harder and harder to dodge all of his attacks. If he manages to get just one drop of my blood then I'm done for. He extended the length of his weapon and threw it at me as I deflected it with my sword then quickly ducked under the long cord that connected the blades to the hilt.

"Hidan-sama!" Hope yelled "this is ridiculous! STOP IT ALREADY!"

"Hold the fuck on!" Hidan yelled as I jumped over his blade and kicked him back "this bitch will be dead in a second!"

Pfft, yeah right!

The cord wrapped around my legs and sent me falling to the ground as Hidan leapt into the air and brought the blade down hard in my direction. I rolled out of the way and hopped backwards as his scythe slammed into the ground, sending dirt flying up everywhere.

I sighed in relief and began making hand signs as Hidan adjusted the grip on his scythe and charged at me.

"Water Style: Twin Dragon Jutsu!"

Two dragons made of water burst out of the ground and wrapped themselves tightly around Hidan, pinning him perfectly in place. I smirked as Hidan struggled to get free and glared at me angrily.


I began making more hand signs and watched as Hidan continued to struggle and find a way to use his scythe against me.

"Lightning Style: Twin Dragon Jutsu!"

Two dragons made of lightning slammed hard into Hidan's chest and mixed with the water dragons, causing Hidan to jerk violently and groan in pain. He finally stopped jerking back and forth and slumped to the ground in pain as I cautiously watched him.

D-Did I get him?

"RUKA!" Hope screeched "WATCH OUT!!"

Huh, I turned around just in time to see Hidan lunging at me with his scythe. My eyes widened and I leapt out of the way as one of his blades got caught in my pants and scraped my leg slightly, producing blood. I gasped in surprise as Hidan began laughing evilly and licked my blood off of his blade.

"How dare you fucking electrocute me!" He said, a murderous glint in his eyes "get ready to feel the pain bitch!!!"

Hidan's skin began to turn pitch black with strange white markings all over him, resembling bones, and all I could do was stand there in fear. Why am I not moving....I have to do something! Hidan stabbed himself in the hand and let his blood drip to the floor as he dragged his foot along it; making a circle with a triangle inside of it.

I slowly looked down at my arms and realized I was shaking heavily and my breathing was low.

"RUKA!" Hope yelled, snapping me from my daze "DON'T JUST STAND THERE! DO SOMETHING, PLEASE! YOU'RE MY FRIEND! YOU CAN'T DIE!"


I firmly clenched my hands into fist and began making hand signs as Hidan stepped into the symbol on the ground and pulled out some sort of long, black stake. I haven't perfected this Jutsu yet but, I have to give it a try!

"IT'S TO LATE FOR ANY JUTSU NOW BITCH!!" Hidan exclaimed, stabbing himself in the leg.

I groaned in pain and dropped to my knees as blood poured down my left leg, but I didn't stop the Jutsu I was making. Hidan chuckled in amusement and licked his lips as a Chidori formed in my hand.

"Aw" he teased "how cute! I suppose that silver haired man I fought was your dad?! WELL SINCE I DIDN'T GET TO FUCKING KILL THAT BITCH, I'LL KILL HIS LITTLE SHIT OF A DAUGHTER INSTEAD!"

Hidan stabbed himself in the other leg and I screamed in pain; still refusing to give up on the Chidori in my hand. I concentrated deeply and infused as much Chakra into my Chidori as possible as it switched from electric blue to a blinding, shimmering gold.

Hope anxiously bit her lip and watched me with wide eyes as Hidan frowned slightly and he raised the stake up to his heart, a strange look in his eyes. I can't do anything with my Chidori while he's in the circle, I'll just end up hurting myself.

"This pain is unbearable, isn't it" he asked as I struggled to stand up "to you....this pain is excruciating. To me....this pain is like music to my ears. It feels so good knowing that.....YOU'RE ABOUT TO FUCKING DIE!"


Hope charged at Hidan and pushed him as hard as she could, causing him to jerk to the side and step out of the circle.

Now's my chance! Ignoring the burning pain in both my legs, I ran towards Hidan with my Chidori and hit him right in his stomach with it. The stake immediately fell out of his hands and hit the ground as the Chidori sent Hidan flying backwards. I heard my right arm issue a loud crack and I fell to the ground hard; curling up in a ball and groaning in pain.

Hidan slammed into a tree and I watched in fascination as the Chidori began to glow brighter and wrap itself around him like rope before beginning to squeeze at him tightly. It was as though it was trying to squeeze him to death. Hidan screamed in pain and anger as the Chidori rope grew tighter around him. I flinched slightly and turned my head away just as the sound of ripping flesh echoed throughout the forest and blood splattered all over me.

I heard Hope let out a loud gasp and the sound of numerous things dropping to the ground was enough to make me throw up. I feel like I have a pretty good guess what happened to him, but I'm too scared to look and see.

"Now I have to sow him back up" I heard Hope mutter.

I threw up.

Running footsteps started coming in my direction and Hope stuffed Hidan's body parts into a bag before hopping off. Kakashi Sensei, Kazami, and Ryuku appeared in front of me and looked around at all the blood on the floor as the smell of burnt wood the Chidori had left wafted through the forest.

"Ruka!" Ryuku exclaimed, helping me up "what the hell happened?! Why are your legs bleeding?! Why is your right arm broken?! Explain!"

I smiled weakly and leaned my head against his shoulder as Kakashi Sensei and Kazami stared at me, waiting for an explanation.

"Dad" I said slowly as black dots engulfed my vision "I made....the perfect Chidori."

The last thing I saw was him give me a closed eye smile before I fell unconscious.
Me: Hey guys! That's the end of chapter. 60! I hope you enjoyed it and sorry if it's not good, because it feels....weird.

Ruka: I feel like my Chidori is waaaaaaaaaaay better than Sasuke's!

Sasuke: Hn

Ruka: ADMIT IT! My Chidori is better then yours!

Sasuke: You wish, baka

Ruka: You're just jealous! I even made a song for my Chidori, wanna hear it?!

Sasuke: No

Ruka: *Singing* My Jutsu bring all the boys to the yard, and they're like, I'm getting more scars! And I'm like, My Chidori is boss!

Sasuke: Shoot me

Hope: Story_of_Fate13 doesn't own Naruto!

Me: Later guys!

Ruka: It was a great song, right Sasuke?

Sasuke: Shoot....me....

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