32. A hero

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"What do you have a bottle of Sake for?"

Kazami sighed deeply and twisted the top off of the bottle as the Sakura tree we sat under swayed in the wind; scattering it's bright pink petals everywhere.

"Just cause" she said, lightly swishing the contents around "take a sip."

She held the bottle out to me and I stared at her in surprise. Being 14 years old, I was more aware of what was right and what was wrong, and this seemed wrong.

"I don't think that's a good idea" I said shaking my head furiously.

"Don't be pussy!"

My cheeks flushed red with anger and I glared at her as I curled my hands into tight fist. She thinks I'm a pussy, huh? I'll show her! I snatched the Sake from her grip and without hesitation I lifted the bottle to my lips and began chugging it. Kazami's eyes widened and she watched me with slight amusement.

"I said a sip not a damn gulp" she muttered.

I finished the contents of the bottle and threw it to the side as I felt my already flushed cheeks grow hotter and hotter. Hmm, I feel...good! I smiled goofily and stared around at the scenery as little tiny fairies floated across the sky...how pretty!

"How do you feel" Kazami asked curiously.


"Good to know."


I opened my eyes and my head began to pound heavily so I groaned in pain and clutched it.

Damn, still thinking about that time I got drunk makes my head spin.

It's Kazami's fault...

"Glad to see your awake."

My eyes widened in surprise and I turned my head to see my mother.

"Mom" I said, shocked.

"You haven't been here long" my mother said simply, glancing around the room "you've only been here for two days and the doctors say you're leg is already fully healed thanks to Kinase."

"I see" I replied simply.

"Ryuku was very worried about you" my mother continued "unfortunately he couldn't visit today because Tsunade gave him a mission. He did visit yesterday, however, you were unconscious."

"Oh" I said "where were you guys during the attack on Konoha? Were you in a safe place because I didn't see you at the safehouse."

"I know you didn't" she said smiling "we were out fighting of course. There was an endless amount of zombie-like Shinobi by the village gates; it was disgusting."

"Fighting?!" I said in disbelief "you were suppose to be inside and safe!"

"Just because I'm a queen doesn't mean I have to hide like a coward" she said bitterly "I'm still a Shinobi and I still have to protect this village."

I exhaled deeply and nodded my head in understanding. She glanced at me and smiled softly before ruffling my hair affectionately.

"You're a hero" she said "everyone, and I mean everyone, is talking about how you risked your life to save all those villagers. I'm so proud of you."

My cheeks flushed red from the praise and before I could reply the door opened and we both turned to see Naruto walk in.

"Hey Ruka" he said smiling "I postponed my training so I cou...WHO THE HECK IS THIS LADY?!"

You are the only one....                       ×Book 2×Where stories live. Discover now