26. Spending a week with the Kazekage

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"So do you know exactly why Gaara wants me to come to the Sand village?"

"Can't say I do" Temari replied as we walked across the hot, plain desert towards the village "he was going to invite Naruto as well but he ended up getting that mission."

"Oh" I said simply, letting the humid breeze whip my hair back ane forth before it settled into place.

We walked in silence after that and I noticed Temari kept glancing at me every few minutes like she had something to say but she didn't know how to say it. I had something to say as well, but I kept my mouth shut.

"So" Temari said slowly breaking the awkward silence "you've changed a lot."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You use to be so shy" Temari said giggling "every time I tried to say hi to you; you'd blush like a madman and run away from me."

"Oh yeah" I replied as a memory came to kind.

Temari laughed and it didn't take long before I joined in with her; both of us laughing until our stomachs started to hurt, and our lungs needed air.


We both looked up and I was surprised to see we had arrived to the gates of the Sand village and Kankuro was waving for us to hurry up. Temari scoffed and rolled her eyes but I smiled and waved back. We walked through the gates as Kankuro flicked Temari on the forehead and dodged her fist by hugging me.

"How's it going Ruka" he asked, walking beside me.

"Same old, same old" I said shrugging "Naruto's still annoying me as usual...how are things going with you?"

"Good" he said smiling "besides Temari annoying me..."

He dodged her fist again.

"...ever since Sakura took that poison out of me I've been brand new."

"I'm glad" I said happily "we were all worried about you when you had that poison in your system."

"Yeah you should have seen Temari" he teased "crying like a baby!"


We all laughed and Kankuro opened the door for us as we stepped into a building. If I remember correctly, this is suppose to be where Gaara's office is located. I felt myself getting nervous all of the sudden when we abruptly stopped in front of a door.

"He's in here" Temari said pointing at the door "once you two are done talking I'll take you to your room."

"You guys aren't going to go with me" I said, my eyes widening.


"Absolutely not!"

I sweat dropped and they smiled before winking and walking off; leaving me completely alone. I took a deep breath and turned towards the door as I stared at it for a minute. I can't just stay here forever. I forced down my nervousness and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

His voice made my heart leap in my chest but I opened the door regardless. Once I stepped inside I closed the door behind me and saw him sitting behind his desk. He looked up and once he saw me a small smile spread across his face. I felt my cheeks flush red but I smiled back nonetheless.

"I'm glad you came" he said standing up and setting some papers to the side "I was hoping you would say yes."

"Of course I was going to say yes" I replied giggling "it's been a while since we've actually talked face to face like this."

"That's true" Gaara said "unfortunately I won't be able to spend any time with you today or tomorrow."


I stayed silent and tried to keep the look of disappointment off of my face; it must have still been noticable because Gaara looked at me and frowned deeply.

"I'm sorry" he muttered.

"No" I said hurridely, walking over to him "it's okay! I understand you have a lot of work to do...you are the Kazekage after all. So if you want, I could help you with you work; if you wanted me to."

"Ruka" he said softly "I couldn't ask you to do that. However, once I do finish my work we could spend more time together...if...if you want to."

"I'd love to spend more time with you, Gaara."

Gaara blushed slightly and turned his head to the side as the door suddenly opened. We both turned towards it and saw Temari peeking her head inside; Kankuro attempting to do the same. Gaara walked away from me and back over to his desk as he sat down and sighed deeply.

"See you around" he said simply, returning to his work.

"Come on" Temari said, tugging on my arm "I'll take you to your room."

I glanced at Gaara for a long time then left the room; a strange sadness consuming me.


"He's not always like that" Temari reassured as she ran a brush through my hair "it's just stress."

"Do you know why he has so much work" I asked curiously, rubbing my hand against the silk pajamas I was wearing.

"It's mostly because of the damages the village suffered after those Akatsuki assholes attacked" Temari said bitterly "Gaara's been stressed ever since, but he's calmed down lately for some reason."

"Maybe I should help him" I offered "he would enjoy the company, and the work would get done faster."

"Yeah, good luck with that" Temari said sarcastically "he's the most stubborn person I've ever met."

"I'm good with stubborn people" I said as I thought of Naruto.

"Do you love Gaara?"

I yelped and would have fell off of the bed if Temari wouldn't have caught me. What kind of person asks a question like that so suddenly?!

"L-l-l-love is a s-strong word!" I said as my whole face turned red "w-why do you a-a-ask?!"

Temari stared at me for a long time then burst out laughing as tears of joy slipped down her cheeks. I glared at her angrily, but she just continued to laugh.

"I haven't heard you stutter like that since you were like 12" she said in between breaths.

"W-Well that's only because you ask such random questions!"

"Do not!"

"Are you in love with Shikamaru?"

Her whole face turned red and she actually fell off of the bed and hit the floor with a loud bang.

"That's what I thought."
Me: Hey guys! That's the end of chapter. 26! I hope you enjoyed it!

Naoki: Hmm.... Garu...that's different.

Me: Garu?

Naoki: Gaara X Ruka

Me: *Mutters* I forgot you were a fan girl.

Ruka: Why did I agree to come to the Sand village?

Me: Because I wrote the book...whatever I write down is what happens.

Ruka: Oh yeah...

Me: Hehe~

Naoki: Story_of_Fate13 doesn't own Naruto.

Me: Later guys!

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