41. Like father, Like daughter

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"Are you going to be okay while I get Yuukimaru" Naruto asked me, frowning slightly.

"Of course I am" I said smirking "I have to protect Isobu and provide the others support from Orochimaru's supporters."


I flicked Naruto on the head and he gasped slightly before remaining silent. Guren was leaning against a tree, clutching her wound, and waiting for us to finish talking.

"If I remember correctly you have to help Guren find Yuukimaru" I said firmly "You have a promise to keep. So go, and don't hurt Isobu."

Naruto exhaled deeply then smiled and nodded in understanding. I smiled back at him then leapt off in the direction Naruto had pointed out to me. How am I suppose to help my comrades and protect Isobu at the same time?


'Don't worry about me, kid.'

My eyes widened slightly and I frowned in discontent.


'I'll admit that I'm not as strong as I use to be' he said simply 'one of these days I'm gonna get captured...probably by one of those Akatsuki men. However, meeting you has been pretty exciting....never thought I'd make friends with a human before.'

'It happens' Kinase said laughing 'she's good at making you turn into a softy.'

I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless. I guess he's right...I shouldn't have gotten so connected with a Tailed Beast in the first place; I should have known nothing good would come out of it. I infused Chakra into my feet and landed on top of the lake as a loud roar echoed around the forest.


"OHHHH!" A unfamiliar voice said "LOOK SENPAI! A GIRLLLLL!"


A heard a loud yelp of pain and slid my sword out of its sheath as I turned towards the forest behind me. Where the hell did those voices come from; is somebody watching me? I felt something crawling up my leg and looked to see a spider made out of what looked like clay. My eyes widened and I leapt backwards as it fell off.


The spider exploded and water flew up everywhere as I landed away at a safe distance and began making hand signs.

"Water Style: Twin Dragon Jutsu!"

Two dragons made entirely of water shot out of the lake and hurtled themselves in the direction the voices had come from. I heard one of the dragons slam into something and moments later someone landed by my feet.

"Owie!" The person said standing up "the dragon got Tobi, Senpai! Uh...senpai?"

The person turned towards me and I noticed he was wearing an Akatsuki cloak with some strange orange mask on. The person yelped in fear and tried to run, but I stuck my foot out and he tripped.

Is this guy suppose to be part of the Akatsuki?

"WAIT!" The person exclaimed "Tobi is a good boy! Don't hurt Tobi!"


I glared at him angrily and kicked him in the chest as he fell down. Before he could get back up, I slammed my foot on his chest and placed my sword under his neck.


"Who the hell is Tobi" I said angrily, pressing my sword closer to his neck.


This guy is annoying.

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