57. Preparations

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~Hope's POV~

"Shadow possession success."

I growled angrily and tried my hardest to move but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't even budge an inch.

"That's pointless" Shikamaru said letting out a loud yawn "you had a total of ten possible openings I could use to capture you in my Shadow possession and I decided to choose the weakest opening. Luckily for me, your Chakra seems weak so I made a good choice."

I felt my anger increase even more and I wouldn't be surprised if steam was coming out of my ears at this rate. This cocky basterd just thinks he knows everything, huh?!

"Now" he began "is there a reason why I was suddenly attacked by a random girl I've never met in my life?"


Shikamaru stared at me for a long time and didn't say anything. After a while he got down on one knee and formed a hand sign, at first I wondered what he was doing, then I saw a shadow in the form of a hand slowly making its way towards my neck.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I demanded as the hand crept closer.

The hand then passed my neck and wrapped itself around my mouth instead, silencing me. My eyes grew wide with anger and I tried to yell at him but the shadow hand wasn't allowing it, so my yells came out as muffled scream. Shikamaru sighed in relief and stood back up; dusting off his pants.

"You're so loud" he complained, rubbing his temples "it gives me such a troublesome headache."


"Now let's see" Shikamaru said "you asked me if I killed a man named Hidan and when I said yes, you attacked me."


"Judging from your age" he continued "I doubt you were his lover, much less his daughter if you took his age into consideration. So, he must have been a friend or even possibly a Sensei."


Shikamaru removed the shadow hand from my mouth and I let out a loud sigh before glaring at him.

"You killed Hidan-sama!" I yelled "I'll kill you, you basterd!"

"As I thought" Shikamaru said "he was your Sensei."

"So what?!" I said as Shikamaru grew irritated "you killed my Sensei! What did he ever do to you?!?!"


My eyes widened in shock and I stared at Shikamaru as he ehaled deeply and closed his eyes in deep thought.

"Hidan-sama....killed your Sensei?"

Shikamaru opened his eyes and glanced in my direction, giving me a slight nod in the process. I didn't reply for a long time and I suddenly felt my body loosen up slightly; I looked down and saw he had released me from his Shadow Possession Jutsu.

So he killed Hidan-sama to avenge the death of his Sensei, who was killed by my sensei....how ironic. I looked up at Shikamaru and noticed he had turned his back to me and was slowly walking back towards his house. I don't know what came over me, but I ran over to him and hurriedly grabbed his shoulder.


He slowly turned around and stared at me in surprise as my bottom lip quivered and I forcefully held back the tears that wanted to spill out of my eyes. Shikamaru, noticing my teary eyes, laid a comforting hand on my shoulder and gave me a small smile.

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