3. The bell test

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The four of us stood out in the field; staring at Kakashi Sensei as he observed us for a minute. I tapped my sword on my hip and stared at Kakashi Sensei; thinking of what my first attack would be.

"Here's the bells" he said holding up three shiny silver bells with red rope tied to them "you know the rules already I presume. The only new rule is that you have to retrieve your bells before the sun rises again."

He tied the bells on his belt and Naruto smiled before charging at him. Sakura and I sweat dropped as he began attacking Kakashi Sensei.

Baka...he didn't even say go yet.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Clones of Naruto appeared as they all attacked Kakashi Sensei at once and he dodged their attacks. The two leapt into the air and began using Taijutsu against one another as Naruto grabbed on of his clones and turned it into a wind Shuriken.

"Got you!"

He made to throw the Shuriken but Kakashi Sensei appeared behind Naruto and placed his hand on his head. One of Naruto's clones appeared and stood behind Kakashi Sensei as he held a Kunai up to his head. Naruto sighed in disappointment and landed back beside me as Kakashi Sensei nodded his head.

"I'm impressed" he said lifting his headband to reveal his Sharingan "now wait for me to say go. Ruka, just because you're my daughter doesn't mean I'll go easy on you."

"I don't expect you to" I said smirking as my Sharingan activated itself.

"Scary" Naruto muttered scooting away from me.


Naruto charged at him again and the two engaged in battle as Sakura and I ran forward. Kakashi Sensei kicked Naruto swiftly in the chest; sending him flying back as he dodged Sakura's incoming fist. I slid my sword out of my sheath and lunged at him as he quickly dodged it and began making hand signs.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

My eyes widened and we all leapt into the air to avoid the fireball as I made hand signs.

"Water Style: Sky bullet Jutsu!"

The sky rumbled and drops of hot, heavy rain began to pour from the sky around him as they made small craters in the ground and burned the grass around the area. Kakashi Sensei winced and avoided the hot rain as numerous ones hit him; sizzling his clothing and damaging his body.

"Sakura!" I said nodding at her.


She lunged towards Kakashi Sensei and infused her fist with Chakra before punching him hard in the stomach. He went flying back and positioned himself in midair as he made more hand signs.

"Ninja Style: Wind of the Heavens Jutsu!"

A large gust of wind picked up in the air and we all went flying back before slamming hard into a tree. I winced slightly as I got a sharp pain in my back and slowly stood up.

"Are you okay" Naruto asked coming closer to me.

"Don't worry about my safety!" I scolded as he struggled to get free from my choke hold.

"Guys" Sakura said slowly as I let go of Naruto who ran away from me "he's gone. I can't find his chakra presence anywhere."

We looked around and I realized she was indeed right. His chakra had disappeared completely and he was no where to be seen.

"To the right" Sakura said turning "the left? Above? Behind?"

She turned in every direction and carefully scanned her surroundings as Naruto yelled for him to come out and stop hiding. If we can't see him anywhere; he must be...

You are the only one....                       ×Book 2×Where stories live. Discover now