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"Here is where you will be staying" Motoi said, pointing at a large building "there are multiple rooms so sharing one isn't allowed."

When he said that, he glanced at Naruto and I, causing us to blush deeply and glare at him. Yamoto laughed and explained to Motoi how we weren't a couple which he of course didn't believe.

"You two aren't dating?" Bee rapped "ya'll must be faking!"

"I'm not faking!" Naruto said "we really ain't dating!"

"You just rapped" I said sweatdropping.

Bee smiled and gave Naruto a fist bump as the two continued to rap to each other. I rolled my eyes and walked into the building as Motoi showed each of us to our rooms. Yamato discussed with him what kind of rules were set in place while Gai Sensei continued to be green in the face, it did match with his outfit.

"Ok you two professional rappers" Motoi said, turning to Naruto and Bee "time to get in your rooms. It's only six o' clock so you have time to explore if you wish."

Bee nodded and started rapping to himself before going into his room and locking the door behind him. Yamoto, Gai, and Motoi all walked off towards their rooms as I began walking towards mine.


I placed my hand on the doorknob and turned around to see Naruto nervously rocking back and forth on the heel of his feet; his hands stuffed deep in his pockets.


"Later on tonight, I need to talk to you" he said.

"About what" I asked curiously.

"You'll see later on tonight."

With that, he went into his room and closed the door as an irk mark appeared on my forehead. Damn that Uzamaki, why couldn't he just tell me right here?! I went into my room and slammed the door behind me before flopping on my bed; wondering what it was he wanted to talk about.

========5 hours later========


It is 11:28 at night and that stupid knucklehead ninja hasn't been to see me once to tell me when he wanted to talk! I growled angrily and glared at my door for a long time, surprised I wasn't burning holes into it.

He better not have stood me up!

First he gets me all curious and questioning what we're gonna talk about; then he doesn't even bother to show up! And he wonders why I yell at him......THIS IS WHY!

"Stupid asshole!" I said, angrily starting to take my clothes off "I'm just gonna go to put on my PJ's and go to sleep already!"

Suddenly, much to my good luck, the door bust open and Naruto entered just as I had taken my shirt off. Leaving me in my pants and bra.

"Ruka" he said, panting slightly "I got the perfect.....oh.....not again!"

"YOU DO THIS EVERYTIME!" I yelled while throwing numerous Kunai's at him "GET THE HELL OUT YOU PERVERT!"

You are the only one....                       ×Book 2×Where stories live. Discover now