21. Not bluffing

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"Alright!" Naruto exclaimed as we stood a fair distance away from the hideout "lets go!"

"Wait" Yamoto said stopping Naruto in his tracks.

Yamoto placed his hand on his clones back as it went rigid and started to slowly go into Yamoto's hand. Seconds later, the clone had completly disappered and in Yamoto's hand was two small little seeds. We stared at him confused as he nodded his head in satisfaction; turned towards Naruto and I; then held out the two seeds.

"Naruto, Ruka" he said slowly "swallow this."

Naruto made a small sound of disbelief and stared at the seeds as I frowned and shook my head.

"Hell no" I said as Naruto slowly grabbed a seed and examined it "what do they do?"

"Lets just say I'll be able to keep track of you all if we get seperated" Yamoto explained, holding out a seed to Sakura "I managed to plant seeds in Sai's food and clothing at the hot springs; thats why my clone was able to track him down for me. Now....swallow this seed."

"What do I look like to you...a bird?!" I said angrily "I don't swallow fucking seeds!"


"You've got me fucked up if you think I'm gonna swallow that!"


"Trying to grow fucking plants in my stomach! I know your secrets you creep!"



Yamoto glared at me for a long time and I glared back. After 5 minutes of our little glaring contest, I sighed in defeat and held out my hand. Yamoto grinned and plopped the seed in my hand as I glared at him once more before swallowing it. Sakura did the same, and after some hesitation, Naruto followed suit.

"Perfect" Yamoto said "now we're going to do this quietly. I'll make a tunnel that will get us to the hideout from underground, more then likely it will be surrounded by rock but we'll infiltrate in this order. Me, Sakura, Ruka, and Naruto. When I give the signal, come in that order."

Sakura nodded firmly and I tightly gripped the hilt of my sword as Naruto muttered something about going last. Yamoto turned his back on us an began making hand signs as a large wooden pillar shot out of his hand and plunged itself into the ground; making a large tunnel. Yamoto jumped in and we all leaned over the dark depths of the tunnel...waiting.

The sharp sound of a whistle jerked us to our senses and Sakura smiled at us before jumping into the tunnel. I took in a deep breath and when I tried to exhale; a burning pain spread across my back, causing me to wince. Naruto glanced over at me and I tried to play it off, but he noticed.

"Ruka..." he began.

"Kicking and screaming" I said slowly, cutting him off "don't forget that Uzamaki."

Another whistle penetrated the air and I gave Naruto a small smile before jumping in the tunnel.


"I can sense the room Sai's being held in" Yamoto whispered as we continued silently running down the hallway "keep up you three."


I kept nervously glancing at the flickering candels lined against the wall that were giving the place an ominous look. I shivered slightly and tried to think of something to make me feel better. We'll just get Sasuke and...and get out of here.


An image of him kissing me that day on the balcony flashed through my mind and I clenched my hands into fist.

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