23. Sasuke...?

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"Ok" Yamoto said as we stopped walking after seeing the three different paths to the hallway "Kabuto said there were many rooms to this place so we'll split up into groups of three."

We all nodded and Yamoto started assigning out groups to us.

"Ruka and Sakura will go down hallway one" he said "Naruto and Sai will take hallway two, and I will take the last hallway. If any of you need help just raise your Chakra level and I'll be there."

"Hai!" Sakura said as I simply nodded.

"Alright" Naruto said beginning to run off "let's go Sai!"

Before they could run off fully, I grabbed the back of Naruto's jacket and held him firmly in place as he almost fell. He turned around and stared at me confused as I sighed deeply and stared at him.

"Don't...um...do stupid stuff" I said blushing as I let go of his jacket.

He looked surprised at first then slowly nodded his head and smiled.

"Don't worry" Sai reassured "I will make sure he doesn't do stupid stuff."

Naruto got an irk mark and I laughed before running down our assigned hallway; Sakura following close by my heels.


Door after door.

Hallway after hallway.

Sakura opened a door and swore angrily before closing it and running to another. I opened the door I was standing next to and looked inside, empty, I slammed the door in frustration and went to the next one. Sakura's eyes were pooling with unshed tears and I knew her frustration was slowly rising with every step we took.


"Yelling his name isn't going to help" I said bluntly.

Sakura began crying and I sighed deeply as I felt a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. Why is he causing everyone so much pain?! When I see him I'm going to rip his fucking head right off of his stupid body!


Why am I so angry?

'Sounds fun' Kinase said angrily, growling slightly.

Oh....that's why.

Sakura opened the last door at the end of the hallway then swore loudly and puched the wall; causing it to crack and fall apart. I'm guessing he wasn't in there. Before I could go over and comfort her, Yamoto landed next to us and we stared at him surprised.

"What's wrong Yamoto" Sakura asked curiously, wiping away her leftover tears.

"It's Naruto" Yamoto said as my eyes widened "he raised his Chakra level; he needs our help."

We nodded firmly and Yamoto made hand signs as a large pillar of wood appeared and slammed into the wall; making an opening for us. We all jumped through the opening and followed Yamoto as he ran towards Naruto's location.

Damn it!

I told him not to do stupid stuff...! What the hell is he doing?!

We turned down a corner and saw Naruto angrily glaring at Orochimaru as Sai's things laid on the ground, however, Sai himself was nowhere to be seen. I expected as much...

We ran over to Naruto and took out our weapons as he looked at us surprised then glared back at Orochimaru. Orochimaru smirked and began making hand signs then suddenly stopped and frowned to himself. What is he thinking about?

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