7. Breaking in

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  Kakashi Sensei made a Shadow clone to distract Itachi as Naruto began to form another one of those Rasengan things with a shadow clone of his own.

"Actually try to hit him this time" I teased as Naruto's eyes turned red.

He turned and smiled at me meekly as I giggled and Itachi continued to tussle with Kakashi Sensei's clone. Itachi swiftly killed Kakashi Sensei's clone and Naruto smirked.

"Now Naruto!"

Naruto's clone disappeared and he charged at Itachi before plummeting the Rasengan hard into his stomach. I sighed slightly in relief as Itachi went flying back and slammed hard into the ground; sending dirt flying everywhere.  I slowly slid my sword into my sheath and Sakura unclenched her fist as we all stared at the crater where Itachi laid.

Since no one else was moving, I took the liberty of walking forward towards Itachi.

"Hey!" Naruto said hastily running up beside me and grabbing my arm "d-don't go without me!"

I blushed slightly and turned my head away so he wouldn't see as we both walked over to the crater Itachi had made. Once we reached it we looked down at Itachi and I gasped in surprise as Kakashi Sensei, Sakura, and elder Chiyo came over to check it out.

It wasn't Itachi.

However he was, he was dead and whatever kind of Jutsu he was using it was similar to Orochimaru's because 'Itachi's' face was peeled apart; revealing a person we had never met before.

"What the hell is this!" Naruto exclaimed angrily kicking at the body.

"That's rude, have respect for the dead" I said glaring at him, but in all actuality I too was very angry.

"This is bad" Kakashi Sensei said as his eyes widened "this was just a distraction to keep us from getting to Gaara."

I frowned sadly and bit my lip as Naruto growled angrily. What do these people want with Gaara so bad? What do they do to Jinchūriki?

"Come on" Naruto said walking off "we have to go!"


He stopped walking and slowly turned back towards me. His eyes were flashing red and he angrily glared at me as I glared back. I understand that he wanted to save Gaara...I did too...but he doesn't understand that the Akatsuki aren't like Zabuza.

"You have to calm down" I said simply "I want to save Gaara just as much as you do but...."

I stopped talking and blushed slightly as Naruto stared at me curiously.

"How are you suppose to protect me" I said using air quotes "if you get hurt?"

Naruto stared at me in surprise then awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck; giving me a small grin. However, it was enough to put me at ease; I knew he was calm now. Kakashi Sensei glanced at me and nodded his approval before turning towards Naruto.

"Now" he said walking forward "follow me."

We all nodded and followed in his wake as Naruto walked beside me.


"Gai Sensei!" Naruto said surprised "Lee! Neji! Tenten! What are you guys doing here?!"

Currently, we were standing at the entrance of the lair where they had supposedly taken Gaara. However, he reached a light problem when he saw a giant boulder blocking out path with a mysterious tag on it. Before we could decided what to do with it; Team Gai showed up.

"We're the additional backup Tsunade might have mentioned to you guys" Neji said calmly.

"Oh yeah" Naruto said as we all sweat dropped "I remember her saying that."

I exhaled deeply and rolled my eyes as Lee looked over at me.


"You saw me three days ago" I said calmly.


"Lee I have never loved you as I never will" I stared bluntly "dad? What's that seal on the boulder?"

Ignoring a heartbroken and devastated Lee, Kakashi Sensei began to explain the mysterious seal as we all gathered around to listen.

"I'm not exactly sure what this seal is called" Kakashi Sensei said staring at it "but if I'm not mistakes it's a forbidden connection seal."

"A forbidden connection seal?" Tenten said curiously.

Kakashi Sensei nodded; "if I remember correctly there should be a different number of deals in the area and in order to destroy the boulder and rescue Gaara, the tags have to be removed at the same time."

"How many are there" Sakura said nervously shuffling her feet.

"I'll pinpoint them with my Byakugan" Neji said as we all nodded.

Neji turned around and looked around for a while as we all patiently waited. After a while he exhaled deeply and turned back towards us as his Byakugan slowly went away.

"There's five in total" he stated "including the one on the boulder."

"Perfect!" Gai Sensei said pulling something out of his man purse "I brought these for just that occasion!"

"Why do you have a purse" I asked curiously as he handed Kakashi Sensei a headset with a mini walkie-talkie.

"It's a satchel" he said glancing up at me then looking away "it expresses my youth."

That's defiantly a purse but I decided to remain quiet about it.

"Neji, Lee, TenTen, and I will take care of the other four seals" Gai Sensei said "we'll all have these headsets to communicate with each other; I'll let you know hen to pull yours off."

Kakashi Sensei nodded and Team Gai leapt off leaving us alone once again.

"Ok" Kakashi Sensei said turning towards us "Ruka, I want you to stand on top of the boulder and I'll tell you when to rip it off. Sakura, once she rips the tag off you use that punch of yours and destroy it."

Sakura smirked happily and clenched her hand into a fist as I nodded as perched myself on top of the boulder: placing my hand on the tag, ready to rip I off.

Naruto sighed deeply and found a rock to sit on as he watched us and I huffed in annoyance. I want to sit down....

"No sitting" Kakashi Sensei said as Naruto hurriedly stood up.

I held back a small giggled and looked down at the seal I was touching.

Gaara....just hold on.
Me: Hey guys! That's the end of chapter 7! I hope you enjoyed it!

Naruto: I'm still sore from that beating Ruka gave me.

Ruka: It's your fault for trying to kiss me, pervert!

Naruto: I was trying to help you!

Ruka: *Puts him in choke hold*

Naruto: Au...thor...ch...an!

Me: I don't own Naruto, later guys!

Naruto: He...lp!

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