20. Kicking and Screaming

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"What's the difference between pain and loneliness?"

Kazami stared at me for a long time then sighed deeply. The wind gently blew our hair; whipping it backwards as we sat on the edge of a cliff; watching the water slam soundlessly against the rocks.

"Well" she began slowly "pain is like having your best friend move to another state or having your dog run away. It hurts and you feel sad, right?"

I nodded, listening carefully to every word she said.

"Loneliness is like having your mother die or having your kids taken away from you" she continued "even though once upon a time they use to make you so mad and frustrated; now that their gone you never realized how much you missed them."

She stopped talking after that and simply stared down at the water below. So pain and loneliness are more different then I thought.

"So" I said "since Naruto is gone, I'm feeling...pain?"

"Loneliness" Kazami corrected "that's not pain...its just loneliness."

"How can you be so sure" I said tilting my head curiously.

"Because I know what loneliness feels like" she replied "trust me. Loneliness is far worst than pain."


I felt like I was floating.

I was very much awake but I wanted to keep my eyes closed.

"Don't drop her Naruto" I heard a familiar voice say cautiously.

"I won't Sakura-chan" another voice replied "have a little more fai..."


Pain spread rapidly across my back and my eyes flew open as a small scream escaped me.


"BAKA!" Sakura yelled kicking Naruto in his manhood "WHAT DID I JUST SAY NOT TO DO?!"

Naruto buckled in pain and fell beside me as his eyes watered in pain. Yamoto just stood there and sighed deeply in disappointment.

"I'm so sorry Ruka" Naruto whimpered sadly, crawling closer to me.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yelled angrily kicking him hard in the stomach.

He yelped and fell backwards in pain as another wave of torture spread across my back. I winced and groaned in pain as Sakura rushed over and knelt behind me.

Thinking back on it, I feel bad for kicking Naruto in his stomach right after he got kicked in his manhood. However, when I was younger, I had a rule that if someone caused me pain, I wanted to cause them the same amount of pain. If not more...

"You shouldn't be feeling any pain" she muttered to herself as she began pulling my shirt off "I thought Kabuto healed you."

Before she could pull my shirt off I yanked it back down and glared at her. At first she was confused; then she glanced at Naruto and blushed.

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