83. Conquering evil

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~Ruka's POV~

She approched closer and closer with the Kunai so I closed my eyes when.....

A sharp pain erupted in my side as I winced and immediately snapped my eyes open. I looked down slightly to see the Kunai plunged deep into my side as Ruka stared at it, her eyes wide and her breath coming out in uneven pants. She let go of the Kunai, still keeping it embedded in my side, before taking a step back.

"I won" she muttered, as though trying to convince herself "now the darkness will consume you.....I won."

"My intent was never to win" I said trying to breath through the pain "I just want my point to get across to you."

"WHAT POINT?!" She yelled, tears clouding her red eyes "I WON! DON'T TRY AND CONVINCE ME THAT YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND, NOBODY LOVES ME!!!! I.....I'm always alone."

"We're not alone" I replied with a soft smile "we have all our friends: Sakura, Sasuke, Kuro, Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Neji, Tenten, Lee, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Moegi, Udon, Konohamru, Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Hope, and so many other people. We have our boyfriend Naruto who will always be there for us. We have our mother and our brother. We have our dad and so many other people that care about us. That's why.....we'll never be alone anymore!"

Ruka's eyes widened even more and I watched as small tears leaked down her cheeks before pattering into the lake causing small ripples to appear. I winced slightly in pain and pulled the Kunai out of my body before throwing it to the side and giving Ruka a tight hug. She tensed slightly and remained still before letting out a feeble whimper.

"We'll never be alone ever again.....I promise."

She didn't reply.

Seconds later, my arms felt like they were holding nothing but air so I looked to see she had disappeared. I sighed deeply in content and began to stretch before wincing in pain at my burning wound. I'm glad I finally was able to let go of all those negative feeligs that were buried deep down inside me; it gives me a sense of hope and joy for what the future has in store.

However now that that's settled, I'd better get out of this place.

~Naruto's POV~

"So that's what happened" Yamato said in disbelief after Bee was done explaining "if she let her opposite stab her like that, does it mean that she might d...."

"She's not gonna die Yamoto!" I said angrily "she's gonna be just fine.....I know she is!"

Everyone stared at me in surprise as I blushed in embarrassment and quickly looked down at my hands; maybe getting angry wasn't exactly wise at the moment. Ruka and I are suppose to keep it a secret until we get back to Konoha but I might have just messed up.

"You know" Yamoto began slowly "you and Ruka seem to have gotten unnaturally close these past few days......eh Naruto?"

My whole face turned bright red as I gulped nervously and refused to answer or even acknowledge the fact that he had asked a question. The one thing that creeps me out about Yamoto is how he can easily figure out anything about me just by hearing a single sentence.

Jut deny it.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said briskly.

"Those two are now dating" Bee rapped "they no longer faking! Their love is so real! Their love's the real deal! Yo!"


Yamoto and Motoi laughed deeply as I glared angrily at Bee, my face emitting hot steam from how much I was blushing. So much for keeping it a secret!

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