63. The beginning of a nightmare

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========One week later========


A large chunk of the tree went flying off and I watched as the tree unrooted from the ground somewhat before settling back in the hard, cold earth. Naoki panted heavily and turned towards me, smiling deeply.

"It needs a little improvement" I explained "but other then that, I'd say you've successfully learned Chidori."

Naoki's eyes widened and she squealed happily before running over and hugging me tightly. I smiled and hugged her back as she pulled out of the hug and fist pumped the air.

"Just wait Konohamaru!" She said, determination in her eyes "I'm coming for you!"

She then ran off at the speed of lightning, leaving me in the forest by myself. I chuckled in amusement and stretched out my limbs to keep the blood circulating properly through them. Naruto should be coming back to Konoha today, I can't wait to see what kind of new techniques and Jutsu's he's learned in his two weeks of training.

A small smiled worked it's way across my face and I bit my thumb hard, drawing blood before making hand signs and slamming my palm on the ground.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

A small puff of smoke appeared and seconds later Kenshin arrived from it and looked up at me through those big, green eyes of his. Ever since we've been working together, I hate him 5% less!

"Can we do the technique again?!" I asked, excitement coursing through me.

"What the fuck?! That's the fifth time this week!"

"It's so fun!"

"Crazy bitch...."



I smiled brightly and sat on the ground as Kenshin leapt on my shoulder and got comfortable. I closed my eyes and concentrated deeply as the familiar burning sensations appeared at certain areas of my body. After a few minutes, the feeling stopped and I stood up before striking a pose.

"How do I look Kenshin?!"

"How do I look Kenshin?!"

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'Like a thief....CAN I HAVE MY DAMN BODY BACK?!' He yelled in my mind.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and undid the technique, causing him to un-merge from my body and fall on the floor beside me before disappearing in a puff of smoke. I crossed my arms over my chest and took a deep breath, thinking about all the training I have been through these past two weeks. Even though Tsunade marked it as forbidden, I've been working on my golden Chidori while merged with Kenshin.

While Kenshin and I are merged, not only do I get the instinct and characteristics of a wolf, I also develop Kenshin's Chakra and his ability to use Fire Jutsu. It only last for a short while, but I can make at least three of those golden Chidori's before I run completely out of Chakra. Maybe it will be useful against Sasuke, if our Chidori's were to collide, I'd like to see the result.

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