78. Enter: Killer Bee, fool ya fool!

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========2 weeks later=======

"I'm sooooooooooooooooo bored!"

"We'll be arriving at the island sometime today" Yamoto's clone said, flipping through a magazine "be patient."

"Why couldn't I ride on the same ship as Naruto?!" I asked angrily.

"Because" Gai Sensei's clone said, his face a shade of green "Tsunade said it was too risky......oh! Here it comes!"

He tilted his head over the railing and regurgitated into the ocean as I got an irk mark on my forehead. This better be a great resort to pay off for how pissed off I am right now!

What kind of S-ranked misson is this anyway?!


"S-ranked mission?" I asked curiously "where....and for what?"

"It's of the upmost importance" she said ignoring my 'what' question "the mission will take place on a island resort."

"A resort!" Naruto said smiling deeply "this is great Ruka! We can relax, and have some alone time!"

My eyes widened slightly and I grabbed Naruto before forcing him into a choke hold.



~Flashback ends~

I groaned in annoyance and flopped to the floor of the deck, letting the sun beat down on me. At least Naruto got to go with the actual Yamoto and Gai Sensei, I just got stupid clones.

"We're never gonna get there!"

"We're here" the Yamoto clone announced.


I leapt back up, smiling, and began looking around for the resort that awaited me. Immediately, anger coursed throughout my body and I wanted to go home. Unlike the nice island resort I imagined; large, stake like pillars were sticking out everywhere and giant bugs were crawling around.

"This isn't a resort!" I exclaimed, my cheeks puffed out in annoyance "this is more like a prison!"


I looked over and saw another ship close by with Naruto as well as the real Yamoto and Gai Sensei. There was another man as well but I had no idea who he was. The Gai Sensei and Yamoto clone on my ship disappeared as Naruto jumped off of the ship and ran over to mine.

"Naruto!" Yamoto complained, landing on the water "don't just run off without saying anything!"

Naruto ignored him and leapt on my ship before crushing me in a giant bear hug. I blushed slightly from the physical contact but hugged him back nonetheless.

"I missed you so much!" He whined "I was so bored without you! Believe it!"

"You had us" Yamoto said, sweatdropping.

"True but you were so strict with me and all Gai Sensei did was throw up and sleep" Naruto replied.

"Same here" I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm not seasick.....wait......nevermind!"

Gai Sensei began throwing up and Yamoto glared at us but I just laughed as Naruto finally stopped hugging me. Suddenly, a loud splashing sound brought us all to our senses and the ship began rocking back and forth as a giant squid came from the depths of the murky ocean water.

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